a tale for the telling
Character Name: Theodoric Martin
Character Birthdate: July 3, 2004
Character Gender: Male
Character Species: Canis lupus
Regular Wolf or Luperci: Luperci
Desired Profession Path, if any: Craftsman
Secondary form of contact (AIM): Kim1014
Currently played characters: Currently, none
How did you hear about 'Souls?: I’ve been here, on and off, for ages and ages (and ages).

I haven’t played this character in a long time. Forgive me if the first few posts are a little inconsistent. Also, Theodoric comes with a bit of an entourage (two ponies and an eagle owl). If you’d prefer me to scale back some, let me know and I’ll be happy to oblige.

It felt like a lifetime had passed since Theodoric’s footfalls last graced the ‘souls landscape. Truthfully, two and a half years is a brief span in the grand scheme of things, but a lot can happen to a person in thirty-odd months. An insecure youth can grow into a confident adult, a craftsman can go from journeyman adept to respected master, and a life that once held all the answers can become… well, something less. A home can be left, and a life started anew.

And so it was with Theodoric.

This was not the first time he had left his Scottish hometown for the lands across the sea. Over three years ago, as a new weaver adept, Theodoric had lived for a short time with the wolves in Jaded Shadows. The arrangement had been temporary from the beginning, and the grayscale luperci had left for home before the season changed for the third time. Very little of note happened in the period he lived among that pack, but the lands and people of the new world were to stay with him, as irrevocable as the sunrise. And although Theodoric would return to Edinburgh and there complete his masterwork at his family’s behest, he would be constantly haunted by memories of a life that had fit his personality so much better.

The dye on his master’s knot had still been wet when Theodoric began making plans to depart for the new world. He sold the tapestries of his masterwork to a merchant caravan, led by a cunning jackal and his strange, silent wife. There, he acquired the money and means to live overseas. With the coin, he paid the lingering debts incurred during his education. The rest he took in goods: two fine looms that could be carried in pieces, rare wool made from the hair of rabbit and alpaca, and two stubborn (but sure-footed) ponies to carry it all. He gave his home and workshop to his younger sisters for their bride-price, for the girls, being the youngest of the family, would otherwise not be allowed to wed. The gesture was mostly the kindness of a doting elder brother, but it was also insurance: the twins spun and dyed yarn of the finest quality, and agreed to supply Theodoric even if the family looked unkindly on his sudden disappearance (which was likely).

On the eve of his departure, Theodoric threw a private party at a local inn for his few friends and close family. Therefore, he was surprised when, halfway through the evening, the merchant’s wife arrived with an eagle owl tethered to her wrists. She handed the tresses of the noble bird to a stunned Theodoric, who was too startled at her sudden appearance to react properly. He ordered the mute woman a drink, intending to find what answers he could over a cup of ale, but she was gone before the barkeep poured it. A piece of paper had been wrapped around the owl’s ankle, a note which Theodoric had long ago memorized but still kept tucked in the pocket of his shirt.

The very same owl now sat perched on the pommel of the mare’s saddlebags, swaying slightly and blinking against the rays of a noonday sun. Theodoric stood nearby, protectively watching the dappled equines as they grazed in a clearing at the edge of the AniWaya territory. The full scent markings of the pack’s borders hung thick in the air, signaling that the outsider dare tread no further. For his part, Theodoric was content to wait to be found; he didn’t howl his presence, but instead softly sang an old Gaelic song whose notes would carry well through the crisp autumn air.

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