dreamer's disease.

Her words made sense to him almost immediately. There had to have been something there that his eyes would never find, from the way she’d been gazing in that direction with such meaning. Having never met an “insane” individual, he didn’t look too far past the fact that she could just see ghosts… perhaps it was just another ability that some had, like how Naniko could heal almost anything. Seeing dead people did seem a bit out there, however… he didn’t know how he felt about it, aside from being a bit weirded-out.

He was, of course, very happy she was talking to him. He didn’t want to make a complete idiot of himself by just standing there, spouting off random attempts at making conversation. Her question was a little confusing; he really wasn’t more than a few miles from the border of Storm. But he didn’t want to sound confrontational. “I’ve never been here before. It’s… interesting.” He paused, before blurting, “Did you know him? The ghost you saw?” Damn his curiosity.


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