watch the bedsheets turn blood red.

SHINYSHINYSHINY. It are proudly displayed. NOW, ONTO THE NEXT ONE. Also, NGL, it took me like two days to notice my daisy icon. :/ I kept glancing at my icon row, sort of vaguely thinking "hmm, you know, that's pretty full" and not realizing I had an extra icon. Herp derp derp! Also, dude, that gold skull matches that table really well. XD Also also, this is wut he be readin' hurr: The Sea Wolf.

It had not immediately occurred to the pale-furred youth that this woman was pretty; he was quite used to seeing beauty in those formulated like his mother, all paleness and wolfishness, but as she drew closer to him, his gaze was drawn to her, unabashedly—there was no shame within the D'Angelo child, of course, and he did not consider his rudeness; thankfully, she spoke before he was given to staring for moments, and the youth looked to her face, finding it impossible to converse now without keeping his attentions on other canine's faces. He was trying to decipher the more nuanced meanings of speech, something he had utterly failed at thus far; the chocolate-tipped youth was basically ignorant to most facial gestures and body language, a painful deficiency for one who lived in the rigid societies of the wolf.

The Sea Wolf. I thought it would be about wolves, but it's not. A man nearly drowned in the sea, and he's on a boat with another terrible man now,” the boy said, shrugging his shoulder indifferently. It was not one of the better books he had devoured; there were far more interesting pieces out there, but that did not mean he would drop this one. Besides, he was only a small way into the book—the chance for improvement was always there. “Do you like to read?” he asked, having missed a beat upon realizing that interest in his books might just signify such an interest within this copper-shaded woman.

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