weave me into the fabric of your dreams
Theodoric Martin

Name. Theodoric Martin

Pronunciation. the-AHD-o-rik MAR-tin

Origin. Theodoric is Germanic. Martin is a common Scottish surname.

Meaning. Ancient Germanic, from the Gothic name Thiudreiks meaning "ruler of the people", derived from the Germanic elements þeud "people" and ric "power, ruler". Theodoric the Great was a 6th-century king of the Ostrogoths who eventually became the ruler of Italy. The surname Martin may be derived from the Latin martius, warlike, from Mars, the God of War.

Birthdate. July 3, 3004

Birthplace. Edinburgh, Scotland

Species. While Theodoric looks like an average Common Gray Wolf (Canis lupus lupus), his cosmopolitan origins mean he has some genetic input from the Tundra Wolf (C.l. albus), Italian Wolf (C.l. italicus), and Steppe Wolf (C.l. campestris) subspecies.

Lupcerci. Luperci Ortus

Physical Appearance

Height & Weight

Lupus: 100lbs, 34in tall,

Optime 220lbs, 6.5ft tall

Prefers Optime form.

Form. Theodoric prefers the Optime form almost exclusively. Rare occasions will find him in the Lupus state. He has never (and likely will never) use the Secui form.

Coloration. Theodoric’s pelt is predominantly gray, with dark brown patches on his muzzle, head, and shoulders. Like many wolves, his chest and belly are light grey. His hair/mane, like his eyes, are dark brown.

Physique. Theodoric is of average height and weight. That said, he is slightly taller and slightly skinnier than the norms. While Theodoric is not in poor shape, he is lean rather than muscular.

Accessories, Scars and Tattoos. Theodoric has an old childhood scar on his left rear leg where he was gored by a wild pig. The scar is mostly faded, and is nearly invisible under his fur. Theodoric has no tattoos and wears no jewelry.

Clothing. Although unembarrassed by “nakedness”, Theodoric almost always elects to wear clothing. A typical outfit includes sturdy leggings, a lightweight top, and a cloak to keep out the weather. The cloak is fastened at the shoulder with an intricate and distinct knot in a Celtic-influenced style.


Traits. Forthright, polite, even-tempered; tendency for mood swings, selective

General Characteristics. Theodoric is neither an introvert nor a true extrovert. He is content in long hours of solitude (and indeed, seeks them out) but also genuinely enjoys the company of others. Although not immediately friendly, he is a loyal and patient friend. There is very little deceit in Theodoric, and he conceals emotions and blunt retorts only with effort. Theodoric values creativity, ingenuity, and hard work.


Accent/Dialect. Theodoric speaks with a thick Scottish accent. (OOC note: I am awful at accents/dialects, etc. Sometimes, I’ll try to write out the proper dialect, but generally, the overall lilt is left to the imagination of the reader.)

General. Theodoric is fond of puns and playing with words. He also tends to speak formally, especially to pack superiors or strangers.

Character sheet by Sie
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