as the world begins to fade

Remedy smiled at the wolf, "I do the same thing, I tend to prefer it away from the pack sometimes because I need to get away...I'm from Jaded Shadows." she sighed, her fathers original pack here, and he left... he was gone for good. If he seen her now, he'd know how good of a job he did raising her. However, she was gone away for the most part, but she came back.. hopefully Ravesque would come back too. What if she went out to look for him? No, because she had to wait... she just had to wait till she was reassured he that he was some how alive.
"So you've been around these areas long?" she questioned the other wolf, in attempt to start half nice conversation. That's how Remedy was, always trying to find some conversation that didn't involve too much trying with anything. Remedy could sit back and relax this way, with no problems. Hopefully the other wolf would give her time to vent out about her father, Ravesque needed to get away from her mind.


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