M - a shifting tide
No problem! (389)


Hybrid grumbled in agreement to Kesho’s quiet response, but said nothing else. Certainly, they were alive, but just surviving had not been the goal for years. As luperci, they could master their environments or at least find ways to become greater lords over their kingdoms. Hybrid knew his Secui form allowed him to do so many things and could not think of a day when he had not used it. As these half-beasts, should Inferni not strive for greater goals? Hybrid thought this was a logical thing to wonder, especially given their great history. They were meant for something more than just surviving – they were meant to rule and lord over the lesser canines with tooth and claw.

When Kesho spoke again, Hybrid found himself replying with a rumbling, low growl of agreement. He had chased off so many wolves here in these new lands; it truly sickened him. He hoped Kesho would not think less of them. These new lands refused to obey old rules and Hybrid believed that such traditions should be preserved, just like the glory of Inferni.

Hybrid snapped his attention to Kesho when he wondered if it was somehow better this way. Hybrid felt fire blaze in his chest and he snarled, not trusting himself with words. What was this coyote trying to pull? There was nothing better now. It had only been a bit better during the Dahlian Wars, but they had lost too many of their own. While Hybrid did not really care about other coyotes of Inferni, he recognized that Inferni’s loss of good soldiers hurt the clan as a whole.

“Never say that,” Hybrid spat. He barely managed to choke out his words as he was so consumed with rage. “Never!” he added and stalked closer. “Never think that Inferni could be less than it once was. That would be like… like treason.” He didn’t know if this was the right word, but words have never been his strong point. He thrived on action and movement; like how every so often he would reconsider Kesho’s words and his teeth would show just a bit. How his chest heaved as he took long, deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. Like how his veins burned with a desire to rip any doubts out of Kesho and drink them like blood.


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