M - a shifting tide
673. Soooooo. Yeah. Next post = you know what! (Also, I edited in a mature template)


Hybrid felt his hackles rise when Kesho too in turn replied with his own teeth. Even though Hybrid was trying to calm himself, it really wasn’t working too well; he had never been very good at de-escalating situations. Generally, he was the one who either started them or escalated them. And often, he would just fight it out to the end. He had never really had to stop himself from harnessing his anger into a destructive force until now. So, he never realized how damn hard it was. He was literally shaking now, unable to stop moving, to stop from lashing out at his so-called comrade; his alleged clanmate.

When Kesho began to stutter in response, Hybrid growled again, a low rumbling sound just like before. Hybrid certainly was a creature of habit and his actions spoke so much louder than words. Hybrid’s snarl only continued when Kesho tried to apologize. He sneered when Kesho admitted his wrong, but said nothing. What a fool, thinking he could fix this with words. What a fool he was! Hybrid began to laugh when Kesho expressed his desire to return to the old days, how he wanted to “chase” that dream like a little fairy butterfly! Hybrid couldn’t stop laughing – the mere thought of Inferni being chased like some dainty little insect was hilarious.

He began to cough as he laughed, unable to sustain it for any longer. He voice was always so scratchy and coarse from a lack of use. Even his laugh was hoarse and strained – he had not laughed, genuinely, in so long. But even as Kesho spoke again, he felt that anger mix with his dissipating chuckles. He did not grow serious again, for his laugh was more of a cajoling sneer than a true laugh, and was still rather peeved. He supposed that was an understatement, but he couldn’t think of a more appropriate word at the moment.

When Kesho posed his question, Hybrid realized it was time to really explain what Inferni was about – to him, at least. It was not the clan itself, but Gabriel; and by extension, Kaena, who had learned to respect.

“The clan’s fucking irrelevant. In one way. Fuck, Inferni was glorious before, but it’s the coyotes who make it who it is. Er, fuck it, it’s not the clan. The clan has the idea, but half the members are snivelling idiots. Gabriel and Kaena matter, but fuck, even the old Inferni had your fuckers. Fucking Syemv traitors and whatfuck, yeah?” He knew didn’t know what he was trying to say, so he tried again: “you had better fucking have your motherfucking devotion or you’re just another piece of shit like the rest of them dumb fuckers. Fuck, you don’t need these big fucking ideas of what’s good or wrong. Just fucking know it.” He cursed again. What did he want to say? “Fuck, it’s not Inferni who I fight for, it’s fucking Gabriel. He knows it. He’s worth more than all of fucking Inferni.” He shook his head and realized what he could really do. He was struck with an immediate sense of warmth and peace when he realized how he could show Kesho what Inferni was really about. “Fuck, okay, shift into Optime. You can do that, right?” He sneered when he asked the question. Stupid non-luperci were so fucking useless. He snarled at the thought and felt the warmth and anger mingle.

He realized that while he had been talking, he had stalked in a slight semi-circle, unable to stay still. Now, he could not stay still any longer. He began the transformation from Secui to Optime, enjoying the feeling of the shifting bones, stretching muscles, and transforming tendons. Everything slowly clicked into place, and once the transformation was complete, he rolled out the kinks in his shoulders and stretched out his new arms. He had not shifted into his Optime form in months, maybe even a year. However long it had been, it still felt familiar – he could never forget this feeling.


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