M - a shifting tide

Sorry 'bout the wait! Oh man, I hope this works. Lol. Definite unexplored territory for me, too, in terms of RP. BUT FUN! Big Grin SSWM: 603

Maybe Kesho had been blinded by his pursuit of authority, for his desire to obey. Or maybe there was something irresistible about this hybrid man that he could not escape. Perhaps it was a combination of both. Whatever the true answer, the older man could not help but feel a sense of longing as he watched Hybrid's reaction and subsequent action to Kesho's transformed body. He was being sized up, stared at; he felt as if every inch of him was being judged, and felt an immediate need to exceed any of the expectations Hybrid had made.

Though it was still unclear to the graying man what exactly was happening, his head was cloudy with adrenaline; a near fight with this brute, and now this? He would not disobey; fighting with the man would be fruitless, and both would end up unnecessarily injured. How would that look, too, fighting with his own clan-mates?

So, instead of a fight, Kesho allowed his crimson eyes to follow Hybrid's body in return. The other man's muscles were not large, but it was obvious they carried much strength. The Hastati did not doubt Hybrid's ability, if his presence alone was any indication of his experienced body.

"Lay down," Hybrid commanded in simple verse.

Like an obedient puppy, he did so. His mind first wondered; where, how, on what side? But it became clear that it probably did not matter much, or Hybrid would likely have specified. Now, his body floated to the ground, eyes always watching Hybrid's, knowing that his own form was being studied. He lay, head propped on top of a bent elbow, watching the man with narrow eyes. Appreciation for the bodily form was not something strange or foreign to Kesho, and once again the old Hastati traced the outlines of his companion's frame, some oddly primal hunger arising in him.

“I’m going to fuck you now.” came the next words from Hybrid's mouth. Simple, dispassionate.

There was no verbal response from Kesho; he did not see it necessary. Here he was, already prostrate before his acquaintance, who now had such strong control over him, it was nearly embarrassing. That flame inside of him, the fire that burned through his whole body now, was all that kept him from disobeying, from fleeing, from attacking. He was naked already, as he always was; the occasional scarf adorned his body, but nothing else. Even the scarf had been abandoned today, for preference of lupus form. Now, it seemed inadequate.

At Hybrid's words, Kesho had felt himself becoming more aroused. There was something so inescapably desirable about this raggedy looking warrior commanding him; and he would obey. Encased in it's sheath, his member twitched at the prospect of action. It had been far too long since his last sexual encounter; in truth, he'd been avoiding it. He never thought his next time would be with a man, but here he was, following orders without question or logic. The logical part of his brain was on vacation, and the blood continued to flow to his now twitching member at the mere thought of fucking. Or of being fucked.

Any thoughts of Inferni or it's meaning were gone now, in this youth-like moment of flooding, rushing hormones. He didn't think about what Hybrid was trying to prove to him anymore, and instead stared hard at his companion. This was all new to Kesho; he was excited at the prospect, and did not for a moment consider that his sexuality might be in question.

"Okay." he said in agreement; a hardly necessary response.

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