We all gotta grow up sometime


After all the frustration and failure of the moments before, it was taking some time for her son's accomplishment to seep into his head. At first the words he spoke were more of a question than a statement of fact. His surprise was understandable though, and the mother simply continued to hold her son while the truth of the matter came to him. It did not take long though. A happy yelp and a returned hug came--her first real hug from her son!--and the words that had been unsure before were now exultant. "Yes you did Silvano!" Even if it hadn't happened today, it would have happened soon she knew, but for her boy's sake she was glad that he had had this monumental breakthrough now.

Silvano pulled away and sat down, his eyes roving over his new form. Savina stood silently, still smiling like only a proud parent could, and took in this new image of her little boy. Oh, but he was no longer little anymore. In the minutes that had passed since they ran into each other downstairs, he had grown up even more, literally right before her very eyes. Silvano no longer looked like a boy, but like a young man. True, there was still some gangliness that he had yet to grow out of, but he was not a baby anymore. As proud as she was, the mother couldn't help but be a little sad to see her son not be her little boy anymore and a few tears wet the corners of her emerald eyes, but she did not let them fall to her face.

When Silvano looked back up at her though, the happiness on his face was enough to banish whatever lingering sadness that was in her. How could she be anything but happy for him? He stood up again, looking a bit like a wobbly foal on his two new legs. "It will pass soon enough. Once you have walked around a bit, you won't even have to think about it," she assured. A thought came to her and she turned around and grabbed the scarf that she had shown him earlier. Savina held it out to him. "You can use this whenever you want to now, and you better use it! I don't need to be sending Cambria to help you if you've caught a cold because you didn't bundle up," she said in mock sternness, one eye winking at her son.

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