Ever dream
HOMG break in customers. x.x Sucky post, I wanna WRITE again. Sad

Bris was caught by surprise a bit as Conor seemed to rush to her side. Her heart fluttered as that quiet voice of hope rose up again, but she calmed it as he hesitated at her bedside. Her chest pounded with anticipation as she waited for his response. Would he still suggest an end to the life growing within her, or did he instead come to say he'd accepted it? Eternity hung in the air between the two lovers as they simply lost themselves in one another's eyes.

Then all at once, the tension broke. Bris' eyes spilled over at Conor's words, and she leaned in to embrace him as he wrapped his arms around her. Hot tears streamed silently down her snowy white cheeks as she held onto him, her heart nearly bursting with relief and joy. For weeks, this had been all she'd wanted, to lose herself in the Soul male's arms and wrap herself in his scent like a warm blanket. She'd been terrified it was all over, that she would never again have the closeness she'd come to adore with the young alpha. And yet, here he was, still clearly feeling the same for Bris as she still did for him.

"So was I, Conor. I'm so sorry." The white woman's voice was a warm whisper in Conor's ear as she rested her chin on his shoulder, unwilling to pull away from the embrace too soon. There was a tiny part of her childish heart that was still afraid this was all a dream, and that her beloved would simply evaporate like the mist when she let go.

Table by James!


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