Breathe In For Luck // Joining
Character Name: Alethia
Character Birthdate: May 1, 2006
Wolf or Luperci: Luperci
Species: Canis lupus Ortus (Gray wolf, mixed blood)
Gender: Female
Secondary Contact: On yahoo, buymyway2heaven
Currently Played Characters: None
How I Found ‘Souls: Gwen

Her feet really, really hurt at this point. In her Optime form, the sensitive pads of her hind paws bore the brunt of her weight. She was above average in terms of size considering her gender. In this form, the female stood at about six feet and four inches. She did not consider herself slender or a delicate flower. In fact, her form was just the opposite. There was nothing essentially delicate about this female wolf. Well honed muscle stretched over her form. Her most valuable asset was definitely her strength and agility. She was not bulky, but her physical power was evident. It was also evident that she knew she was strong enough not to be messed with because she walked with her head up and her bright yellow eyes forward.

Chilly weather didn't really bother Ali. She had been in the colder climes for some time. She did not know how many seasons or years. She did not always pay attention to time passing. She tried to live in the present and to enjoy things for what they were versus what they might be in the days ahead. It might not have been the best philosophy but she did not ever really deviate from it. As a traveler by practice, if not by nature, Ali felt that it was appropriate for her to embrace that mindset.

Ali's coat gleamed with a healthy sheen and her teeth shone sharp and white in her gray and cream colored maw. Her underbelly was the same white and her right ear was tipped like it had been dipped in cream. Alethia ventured farther along the frost touched terrain, felt the chill of the wind, and knew that winter would be coming soon. Would she find any vestiges of her family, or her old comrades? She did not know, but she was hopeful. And if not, any new faces, friendly or otherwise, would break up the monotony of the road. She continued in a linear path until she encountered the scent marks indicating a claimed place of a pack.

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