New everything

The male fidgeted as he spoke, bubbling over with excitement at the prospect of having a new esteemed colleague. She still seemed suspicious of him, on guard even, but the pup didn't notice. She was smaller, probably younger, but the pup didn't notice that either. All he saw was another pup, and that was all he needed to be excited for the day. While he rattled off information, his mind was in a flurry. What should they do, what should they talk about?

Vigilante was mentioned first, though she called him 'Uncle Vigil' instead of 'King Vigi'. It made Kambujiya frown, briefly, and tilt his head. The whole idea that he could be called anything else was confusing, but it disappeared as soon as the birds were brought up again. "I like birdies. They tweet, it's cute." The male pup grimaced. "This one was big, not cute! It hunted with Niro. I wanna has a bird." He puffed up proudly, as if it was a status symbol.

As was often the case with children, the topic changed as quickly as a fire burned, from the King to birds and finally to playing. Her little tail started to wag as she asked if he enjoyed playing games. His ears perked up. "Games? Kinna games?"


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