the sign said you gotta have a membership card
The sun was sinking fast by the time Peaches decided to grace the outside world with her presence; a chuttering chipmunk seemed to scold her for the delay, but one indignant glare sent the surprised animal scurrying for the safety of a nearby elm. She was delighted to find that the dreary grey clouds of day had been replaced by an impeccably clear sky as dusk rolled in--what a grand time to scope out her surroundings!

Any wolf might be curious about his whereabouts, of course, but now the exploratory endeavour held more significance: after a lengthy journey, she'd finally found somewhere to settle for the winter. As the nightly frosts grew in persistence and intensity the ground would no longer yield to her paws, and she recognised the importance of finding a suitable den-site for the season. A lakeside property in a dense, ethereal forest certainly fit the bill, and she'd even found a previously excavated den that required little maintenance.

Whatever details would be worked out in the future; the present was for better and more exciting things. Things like the strange, spiny creature waddling a short ways off. She'd never seen a porcupine before and she was just dying for a closer look, but her efforts were sloppy at best. She wasn't looking to eat the "Land Sea Urchin" after all, and so her approach was hardly covert. Her golden decorations jingled softly in tune with each step while the sun's dying rays reflected so boldly from them, bathing her in a warm orange glow; the porcupine was unimpressed.

At last, he decided that she had gone far enough and rattled his quills in warning. She lifted her head in surprise and paused in her tracks, head tilted as she finally resolved it wasn't worth pressing the issue. My; now where was she? She blinked lazily and turned to go back in the direction from which she'd came.

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