The cold skeleton of the ground across her breast was a pleasant and welcomed friend. She felt the fire in her chest arcing away as if stunted by this chilling presence. It hissed towards the figure which had evicted it, spittle dotting the floor between heat and cold. The two stared at each other, Ykesha’s hapless form laying sprawled between the two. She raised her head from the shelf of her white paws, eyes darting child-like from one to the other. ‘Don’t fight,’ her expression pleaded. She was not able to play referee in her present weariness, yet had no desire to see either go.

But at present, wouldn’t the absence of heat be a welcomed change?

Ykesha felt sure of this, and half-heartedly told her discomfort to leave her. Nothing happened, of course. She stared at it with expectancy, the child in her fuming internally. Why was no one listening? Hadn’t she made her desire clear? If she could have shaken her head, she would have; she had forgotten that currently it was flopped on the ground at a discomforting angle. Ykesha pulled herself from her mind, the conflict abiding there being too complex for her to handle. She again became aware of the dry and boney landscape. The trees stood like hunched men, their spines visible through speckled and saggy skin. The grass had become gray through dormancy. There was cold everywhere but within her. She blinked as her face lay pressed against the dirt. That’s right, she had wanted to dress the trees earlier. They felt so naked. With intent, her focus stayed on those, only half aware of the man beside her. Perhaps he would join her? The job promised to be a large one.

But his intention clearly was not to beatify the leafless trees. He pulled something from a small leather bag and folded it within his palm as though it were a childhood treasure. Ykesha’s fevered attention was perked and her ears flipped forward at the thought. Something so precious was worth seeing, yes? She watched him as he leaned toward her and his lips opened in speech. “‘I’m going to feed you herbs to soothe your throat,’” she didn’t understand and gazed up at him with a blank expression. She felt so heavy. She felt as though her heart was no longer pumping blood but fire. She had been electrocuted, she was sure of it. Unhindered by the weight of Ykesha’s dead head, however, the man approached her face with the prize clutched within his fist. He cradled her rolling head and at this movement, her eyes closed to quell the dizziness which threatened to unseat her. (I feel you, Ykesha. Whillackers I’m hung over.) Something dry touched her lips, and she peeled them apart to accept whatever the jackal had offered. Her jaw limply tried to chew the scaly grass, but she soon found herself too tired to work the organic matter with her tongue. The woman simply lay her head on his lap, her eyes closed in carelessness. It wasn’t until his hand pressed against her nose once again that she was aware of his further aid. Water poured into her throat, leaking out the side of her mouth to run river-like down her cheeks and neck. It was his palm which had directed the water source to her, and Ykesha’s white eyes timidly opened to see it there. She whined her thanks deep within her chest and her tongue began to lick his hand still wet with water. She worked it between his fingers the way a child sucks at each digit on one hand. The cooling effect of both the water and the menthol quelled the heat in her blood, but she still was wetted with sweat and steamed as urine in the cold.

And her lungs. They felt so calloused.

OOC: LAND ALIVE, I FEEL DISGUSTING! Not my best. Sorry. T.T Trying not to throw up all over my keyboard currnetly.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know her lung condition isn't nearly as contagous as TB is to humans. I didn't want to get anyone sick when I designed her. ^_^ I'm thinking perhaps auto-immune or bacterial? Viral would be too infectous. T.T
And I'm sorry you're having to kind of "lead" the thread. If it's easier for you, I can make her have a bit more action instead of just laying there being all ill and mooshy.

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