The woman’s body smoked like a pyre against the chill. Columns of steam rose from her wet back as was so cliché of dark city manholes. She had ceased shivering despite her pitched fever; the heat from the springs was indeed wetting her already damp body further, but it was also soothing uncomfortable skin which twitched from Winter’s touch. Ykesha, then, neither felt uncomfortable, nor comfortable. She simply existed, her body now immune to the pleasantries of being near a hot spring. Her white eyes were dulled with thoughtlessness as she stared from one face to the next. Her palm and muzzle were pink from blood, and she knew her fate had been sealed. Who would let her stay? She understood their concern as verdict; Ykesha was to be sent on her own.


The thin lass closed her defeated eyes as she pictured the boundless wandering once more. She would not live much longer if not allowed to rest. Perhaps they’d let her eat and sleep for several days beside the warm waters before chasing her off? She doubted it. Her head felt heavy with hopelessness, and as she lay collapsed near the jackal she accepted their judgment before they’d even spoken it. I’ll just be off, then, she told herself. The woman’s arms moved as though to lift herself yet as they trembled under her lifeless weight she found she hadn’t the strength left to pick her chest off the ground. Her arms shook under the strain but relaxed after no more than a second’s struggle. The lady’s broken body held no vigor. It was all she could do to keep from drifting into a dreamless sleep while fallen across the heated rock. Ykesha’s mind tensed but her body simply refused to move. She knew nothingness as a dear friend. The two embraced.

Yet Ykesha was shaken from her driftwood self as something wrapped around her. The fae’s eyes peeled open like a snake’s mouth and whirled around to see the jackal’s arm across her stomach. He held her, his face obviously pressed to her back. Ykesha blinked her startle away and bent down to look at the hand which gently cradled her. She was confused, and in this both brindled ears flicked back. The woman felt like squirming free for this sort of care felt unnatural. Her neck pulled upwards but it was the first and last of her protests. Even as her thin body tried to crawl away from the jackal’s embrace, he lifted her and righted the posture she’d fallen into. Ykesha fell limp in his arms, her head falling back doll-like to expose a wounded throat. Surprise again greeted her when his fingers walked across her neck, studying it with what she assumed was curiosity--surely it wasn’t concern? The woman didn’t care to question him and she was in no position to do so even if she liked. In this, her body became completely submissive to his will. When he placed her back on the heated rock she’d previously fallen from, she did not remonstrate. Instead her body laid curled slightly about itself like an infant first unfolding its limbs to crawl. Her gaze fell slowly on the two men, hardly taking in their expressions nor their posture. It was only when the jackal spoke that the white eyes brightened and focused. If she had pupils, they would have dilated at his words. With great effort the thin lass lifted her face several inches from the ground and stared at him. Her mouth peeled open but no speech fell from her blood-painted tongue. Her lungs were too frothy. Instead, a small whine emitted, displaying her implore and approval.

Ykesha’s heart writhed with unchecked thanks. She’d found kindness amongst a sea of misfortune.

OOC: Wooo! Okay so do you want to end it here and we can simply say her treatments with Enkiel occured OOC? If you need to RP them out to fulfill his healer prerequisites that's fine by me. She's not really going anywhere anyway. ^_^; Also, do I get posting points from this joining thread? If so, I can add up the word count and PM you with the point total.

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