[m] - blackbird singing in the dead of night

table © Mel
buahahahahaaaa >:]
wc: 200+

In the darkness, they stood alone. Two entities; one killer, one savior, but which was which? The lines had become blurred. Once, it had been all too easy to know of her innocence, the sickly sweet perfume of naivety being slaughtered on a wandering breeze. Now there was just He, and She, and the Darkness between them.

It festered in her, drawing like an infection closer to warm marrow. It feared and hated him. The dagger glinted wickedly in her fragile ivory fingers.

His eyes were burning now, and she craved that warmth to fill her blood with fire. It had been so long since she'd felt it. For a moment, she loathed him for his strength, for his ability to stand unhindered by all the reckless strings that pulled on her body. But he was not immune to the passion of anger, either. He was no god.

She stepped closer, ignoring the snarl, eyes leaping with green flame. Her ivory teeth glinted in the cold moonlight, the shadows drawing tight claustrophobic talons about them both. "And which am I, Gabriel?" The woman's words were a poisonous hiss, "Would you punish me?" The dagger leaped in an arc, cold liquid silver in her fingers, one hand lifted towards him, as though to rest upon his arm.

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