[m] - blackbird singing in the dead of night

table © Mel
M soon?
wc: 200+

Her words burned him, inside out, and she saw the torture in amber eyes before they tore away. The cold dark earth laughed beneath her trembling body, as it had once before. It was a sound she knew as well as her own heartbeat.

She lay still for a long time, emerald eyes gazing blindly at the moon, that hateful thing. That terrible thing. Somewhere in the darkness Gabriel clung to his sanity. The sobs still moved as a relentless tide through her, but they were dry, and slowly they too stilled. Her head became clear. The terror subsided.

His whisper broke the spell, and she pulled herself from the ground. Her fur was bone white where the moonlight sliced it, emerald eyes looking at him now, at him, and they were her eyes, not the eyes of the tainted and the afraid. Shadows swum deep in their depths. She moved to him in the darkness, her body soft and welcoming as hands slid down his shoulders, frame seating itself beside his curled up bulk. "I know." The woman's voice was soft, reassuring. It sounded stronger than she felt. But Alaine was built to survive this. Her mind became blank and calm.

His body heat felt real against the coldness of the night. She needed, desperately, to feel real. "Look at me," her whispered voice almost begged it, one hand moving as it would to cup his face, "Please." She just needed to feel it. She just needed it to be real again.

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