trip on through the sands of time

Arkham had an extraordinary attention span for a child his age, but even he had his limits. And he was growing tired of this conversation. Castor seemed like a nice enough guy (probably because he didn't care to be much of anything else), but the meaninglessness of everything to him saddened the coyote pup to some extent and he hoped he would never turn out like that -- it seemed so utterly hopeless and he liked having hope, even if it ended up being pointless or whatever, at least he could feel as if it were worth something, right? It was that sort of decided "ignorance' that kept them alive, but he hesitated to even call it that. Maybe labeling everything as worthless was the really ignorant thing to do.

That's not good, the child said seriously, But if y'dun 'anna die no more, then you should at least be happier or som'in. Because he just seemed depressing.

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