Walisikia maneno vangu.

So fragile the lives of mortal creatures

THE FOLLOWING is from a DIGIMON rpg app. Don't like it, ignore it.

Ellie's never been the type to go looking for trouble, but somehow, it's always seemed to find her. Her demeanor, that girl you first meet, is that of a shy, quiet and relatively soft-spoken girl with no real charm or even class about her. She's well aware of her odd appearance and because of this keeps everyone at a distance, even her friends. Still, once a person gets to know her, it's not hard to figure out how complex the girl really is. It's not easy earning her trust but she'll still put in a good effort to be friendly and civil. She's without prejudice in most cases and is surprisingly good with young children or animals. Mind you, cross her the wrong way and you'll quickly come to realize just how violent the girl's temper can be.

Stubborn and reckless when angered, there's not much that can calm Ellie down once she gets riled. She likes the night time and is often awake from dusk until dawn if she has her way. The stars and cricket song are her morning wake-up call, birdsong is her lullaby. She's terrified of being underground and being in tight spaces. Crowds make her uneasy and she's not very sociable. She's creative and inventive, though, and often comes up with strange inventions to pass the time.

ooc comments and notes and shit will go here, because this seems like a pretty good place for them. this table should only be seen used on Sky Rhiannon.

coding by stel. image by marie. edits by sky.


<div style=" width: 403px; background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Metamorphous', cursive; font-size: 13px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; "> So fragile the lives of mortal creatures</div>
<img src="http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i235/bane_22/Sets/skyside.png"></td><td></img>
<div style="width: 250px; height: 491px; background-color: #000000;"><center><div style="width: 250px; height: 480px; font-family: 'McLaren', cursive; color: #B56262; font-size: 10px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 5px;">

<p> THE FOLLOWING is from a DIGIMON rpg app. Don't like it, ignore it.</p>

<p>Ellie's never been the type to go looking for trouble, but somehow, it's always seemed to find her. Her demeanor, that girl you first meet, is that of a shy, quiet and relatively soft-spoken girl with no real charm or even class about her. She's well aware of her odd appearance and because of this keeps everyone at a distance, even her friends. <b>Still, once a person gets to know her, it's not hard to figure out how complex the girl really is.</b> It's not easy earning her trust but she'll still put in a good effort to be friendly and civil. She's without prejudice in most cases and is surprisingly good with young children or animals. Mind you, cross her the wrong way and you'll quickly come to realize just how violent the girl's temper can be.</p>

<p><b>Stubborn and reckless when angered, there's not much that can calm Ellie down once she gets riled.</b> She likes the night time and is often awake from dusk until dawn if she has her way. The stars and cricket song are her morning wake-up call, birdsong is her lullaby. She's terrified of being underground and being in tight spaces. Crowds make her uneasy and she's not very sociable. She's creative and inventive, though, and often comes up with strange inventions to pass the time.</p>

<div style=" width: 403px; background-color: #000000; color: #757575; font-family: 'Numans', sans-serif; font-size: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: lowercase;"><b>WORDCOUNT :: 000</b><br>
ooc comments and notes and shit will go here, because this seems like a pretty good place for them. this table should only be seen used on Sky Rhiannon.</div>

<div style="font-family: open sans condensed; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; width: 400px; text-align: right;">coding by <a href="http://z10.invisionfree.com/cautiontothewind/index.php?showuser=57751">stel</a>. image by marie. edits by sky.</div>
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Numans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=McLaren' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Metamorphous' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

http://i.imgur.com/faVvr.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

Aliquam in neque vitae metus tempor laoreet. Curabitur ipsum libero, facilisis ac laoreet nec, pellentesque quis orci. Quisque eros nunc, blandit eget fermentum sed, lobortis vitae sem. Morbi quis risus id dolor gravida eleifend non quis ipsum. Fusce porttitor consectetur lacus, sed consequat quam porttitor ut. Integer dignissim rutrum iaculis. Fusce feugiat odio a odio sodales non tristique augue adipiscing. Proin fringilla eleifend odio, id ullamcorper libero fermentum sit amet.

Vestibulum dignissim quam nec lectus imperdiet at molestie libero ornare. Donec imperdiet malesuada risus id dignissim. Nullam ligula dolor, interdum in fringilla eu, lobortis eu metus. Nunc vulputate, arcu eu ullamcorper hendrerit, ante sapien blandit libero, et sollicitudin nunc lectus at velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed vel mi sapien, ut ornare est. Nunc a nunc diam. Nunc accumsan justo quis justo vestibulum sit amet eleifend ante iaculis. Cras ante nisl, dictum eu tristique a, egestas at felis. Aliquam commodo porta libero, nec malesuada nunc sodales quis. "Vivamus euismod nisi in magna aliquet ornare."

Maecenas faucibus elit laoreet justo blandit tristique. Vestibulum et augue vitae felis cursus tempus. Donec at nisl quam, vitae luctus neque. Sed fringilla pharetra ante. Nulla varius mauris a massa ultricies aliquet et vestibulum lorem. Suspendisse at lacus odio, commodo dictum sem. Maecenas consequat aliquam ultricies. In nibh dolor, blandit vitae pulvinar a, gravida vel nulla. Maecenas non sem quis arcu convallis lobortis. Cras sit amet vulputate enim.

[dohtml] <center><table width="400px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border: px solid #000000"><tr><td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:480px; border:9px solid #000000; padding-top:405px;padding-left:32px; padding-right:32px;padding-bottom:25px;background-color:#130707; background-position:top;background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/faVvr.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;"><tr><td><div align="justify"><div style="width: 368px; border: 0px solid #ffffff;background-image:url(http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px"><P></span>
<font color=#00000 style="font-family:cambria; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; letter-spacing:1px;">
Aliquam in neque vitae metus tempor laoreet. Curabitur ipsum libero, facilisis ac laoreet nec, pellentesque quis orci. Quisque eros nunc, blandit eget fermentum sed, lobortis vitae sem. Morbi quis risus id dolor gravida eleifend non quis ipsum. Fusce porttitor consectetur lacus, sed consequat quam porttitor ut. Integer dignissim rutrum iaculis. Fusce feugiat odio a odio sodales non tristique augue adipiscing. Proin fringilla eleifend odio, id ullamcorper libero fermentum sit amet.
Vestibulum dignissim quam nec lectus imperdiet at molestie libero ornare. Donec imperdiet malesuada risus id dignissim. Nullam ligula dolor, interdum in fringilla eu, lobortis eu metus. Nunc vulputate, arcu eu ullamcorper hendrerit, ante sapien blandit libero, et sollicitudin nunc lectus at velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed vel mi sapien, ut ornare est. Nunc a nunc diam. Nunc accumsan justo quis justo vestibulum sit amet eleifend ante iaculis. Cras ante nisl, dictum eu tristique a, egestas at felis. Aliquam commodo porta libero, nec malesuada nunc sodales quis. <font color='#766990'>"Vivamus euismod nisi in magna aliquet ornare."</font>
Maecenas faucibus elit laoreet justo blandit tristique. Vestibulum et augue vitae felis cursus tempus. Donec at nisl quam, vitae luctus neque. Sed fringilla pharetra ante. Nulla varius mauris a massa ultricies aliquet et vestibulum lorem. Suspendisse at lacus odio, commodo dictum sem. Maecenas consequat aliquam ultricies. In nibh dolor, blandit vitae pulvinar a, gravida vel nulla. Maecenas non sem quis arcu convallis lobortis. Cras sit amet vulputate enim.


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