Manly sewing
WC: 647 OOC: Woo a birdie might like Strel Tongue two attention whores just soaking it in hahaha… yeah smooth Wink

Niro smiled at his comment and it seemed the man was working in his own head, Niro couldn’t blame him, even if he was only a tailor, he loved his work, it was like when Niro was training or even hunting, he was usually pretty focused on that, so he was quiet for Strel to start talking again. Of course when he did speak, Niro couldn’t help but laugh, a shaky one, remembering the horribly mangy wolf’s face... and not just that but the matted body. Niro had to wash five times before he felt clean enough to walk around after that…

Well he made no threats, though I do wish he did. He was quite mad… more in the head than due to anger, but he was well, He pretty much tried to eat us I think.

It was hard to explain the situation. He’d been trying to find Marahute and had been accompanied by a young woman, but upon going too much deeper, the bird came back, but with it, came that man… the hermit who lived in a factory, and Niro had to admit he was scared the man had rabies, not a happy thought to the wolf if he was even scratched but the mangy thing.

In some building, I guess it is a factory of some sort? I’d met someone there, and Marahute had to explore so we had to go in to find her… well I did. She didn’t.

He said, he was no coward, though he felt like one remembering that he had run and run hard from the beast that wanted to kill them both. Niro had fought for his life, many times and had defended his sisters live even more. So he knew he was no coward, but the thought of something with a desease that was so commonly known, Niro didn’t want to take his own chances. However Niro couldn’t help but smile at the man.

Thank you, I don’t really want to part with this one, I’ve had it for some time now.

He said, it had been one of the few things that he did not part with for trade on the boat here from Florida. Tobias did seem to give the man a fright, something Niro was quite certain the bird was trying to do and it made him feel bad, he knew that Tobias could be nice when he got the attention, but if ignored the bird would not shut up unless he was covered.

Yeah he can be a loud little thing. And as a matter of fact I do, I have a golden eagle as well, her name is Marahute. She’s the one that got us in trouble over in Halifax.

He said, looking around for her, normally it seemed she would appear as they were talking about her, but it seemed that she was not so magically inclined to do such a thing.

It seems she’s still out hunting though.

He said, looking back at tobias and taking the hood off the bird, ready to put it back on if he decided to call for attention again, but he only shook his head, and stared at Strel as though the man were something out of a fairy tale. The big eyes of the redtail could be daunting to some, but Niro had always loved them.

Not many are really aquainted with him, especially since my injury, poor guy, but he does love what attention he can get.

Niro said, and scratched lightly under the birds chin with his claw, and it seemed all of the male’s guards were let down, and he closed his eyes enjoying the scratch, it was the only place Niro was able to touch and the bird would enjoy, he was not like Marahute where he could preen every feather for her if he wanted to.



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