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[html]She looked downheartedly toward the water. The waves were coming closer and closer to her, it seemed, and soon they were touching the tips of her paws. As the wave came near the ground was sucked out from underneath her, dragged to the sea by the rushing water. She had never lived on a coast before, and didn't know how dangerous even sitting there on the beach could be. She didn't mind the wetness of the water, but the temperature was a problem. It was freezing.

She continued to sit there, letting the water flow all around her in short, small crashes. Maybe if she just stuck her head down a little farther she'd get dragged in.

The young hybrid was contemplating this when she heard the voice behind her. It made her jump; she hadn't heard the approach of the other over the crashing waves. Everything here smelled so strange to her, too--she couldn't recognize any particular scents over top of the pungant smell of coyote and salt.

"Zis...dying sounds nice. Ze water is paw bleeds, but I don't feel it" She was shivering a little, but didn't notice it. "Who iz you? Faolin tells me not to speak with strangers. But I iz thinking that she meanz the wolves"[/html]

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