the green remains

This post is a bit weird, sorry! >< SSWM: 901

This whole alcohol thing was something Sage should have tried long ago. Her body felt a wonderful sense of warmth and her mind was in a lovely state of dreamy, hazy, heavy goodness. She swayed in place a bit, watching Strelein quietly as he spoke to her.

"Nah, don't thank me at all. You found it. I just happened to creep by." Strel said simply, replying to Sage's words of gratitude.

"You weren't so creepy...I did hear you!" she said, grinning. "Either way, if you hadn't come by, I might not have tried this stuff!" she said in response, persistent smile on her face through the buzz.

Her statement was only a little true. While she may not have had the courage to drink from the bottles before learning of their contents, she certainly would have taken a few back and found out from someone. She might still do that, anyways. The girl glanced to the cabinets around them, all of them filled with numerous bottles, some looking fresher than others. They tempted her.

Strelein's voice caught her again, and her attention snapped back to him, turning her head slowly to greet his violet eyes with hers again.

"Inferni, eh? Would your approve of your drinking with a purebred?" he said, obviously joking.

"Oh, they aren't that bad, usually..." she said gently with a laugh, though in reality she was unsure of this. The coyotes she'd known so far in Inferni seemed quite delightful, but she knew that others existed, that would disprove of even a simple meeting like this. "They only wish they could have this much fun, doing so little!" she exclaimed excitedly, reaching for the bottle and taking another big swig of the liquid, eyes squinting together as she did.

The young Lykoi girl was determined to not let her mood be affected, fighting off negative thoughts about her clan. Despite it's bad reputation, she knew she could help turn it around, and even spread some love to those more...angry members. She hated that the clan was so intolerant of wolves-- or anyone, really. It was always on her mind, and she would attempt to correct this injustice, even if it was in small, simple steps. Now that she had found Clover, though, things were looking even more up! Together the three sisters could surely bring more joy, at least, to Inferni. And any improvement was better than none at all!

"But no, I agree, I don't think people should be mean. They just are because they didn't get enough love or something." Strel added.

Sage gave a quiet laugh as a response, nodding gently. "I think that is probably true..."

The tawny Earth child had been brought up in a society where love was the only way to be raised. She had been coddled, doted on, spoiled even. But she had never felt the sting of betrayal or the agony of deception. Some might have said she was innocent, even ignorant, but the girl knew of such evils; she also knew how to avoid them. Sadness and loneliness were unnecessary.

"And I didn't tell you where I was from. Though I figure I smell more than strongly enough of Cours," mentioned the man briefly.

The petite girl gave a small nod. "You do, a bit. I've actually visited your land; it's beautiful." She recalled meeting the young Arnette there; a cute, spunky little girl.

"But yeah, I'm from Cours des Miracles. I'm the tailor there, since no one else seemed remotely competent enough to handle a needle. Of course, I am so I took the post." Strelein mentioned his tailoring, and Sage's ears perked up, excited.

"You're a tailor? Wow! I'm still learning, but I love making things with leather, too..." Sage motioned to her own clothing, feeling sort of embarrassed, knowing that he was probably much better than her. "I'm not very good, yet." she said softly, a small giggle accompanying her words. Maybe he could help her learn more, one day.

"So, tell me more. About your sisters? You said you were with them in Inferni? What's it like in the clan?" Strelein inquired after drinking another healthy swig from the bottle now between them.

Before answering, she reached for it once again, taking in another large gulp. The cool liquid burned with wonderful vigor as it melted down her throat, into her stomach. Carefully, she placed the bottle on the ground once again, her body feeling slower, now.

"Well, I've just come back to Inferni with my sister China. Before, we came during the Dahlian War..." she said slowly, trailing off momentarily as she thought about it, a frown on her face. "We were younger then, and it was very unwelcoming for us. Now, it seems a fair bit more calm." she said quietly, considering it.

"My other sister, Clover, lives in Inferni, too. Daddy is there, supposedly, but I've yet to see him since I got back." said the Lykoi girl sadly, a small burp coming from her throat. "Oh! Excuse me...haha." she laughed. "Besides my sisters, I have some other relatives in Inferni, too. I haven't met them all yet, but it's comforting to have them there. It's just...a bit different than Juniper Peace, that's all." she added lastly, hugging her rabbit fur blanket close around her, thinking of Juniper Peace, wondering how Mother was doing, how they all were.

The girl missed her mother and old pack, but she was not desperate for them, and she was certainly not unhappy at this moment. Sage knew that she would find happiness here, even if it was in a different way that she was used to.

"What about you, mister Strelein?" she cooed inquisitively. "What is it like in Cours des Miracles? Tell me the mysteries of your life, sire!" she said with a smirk, reaching again for that bottle that was so tempting. She took yet another drink from it, happily and decisively downing a good hearty gulp.

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