Five Alarm Fire
WC: 310 {3 points}

Sanuye had been preparing herself for the coming season by helping the pack stock up on supplies as well as stocking on some for herself. She had been making sure to keep up with her duties as well but it all seemed the same. The coyote was growing a bit bored with her life and wanted something more to do now that the winter was here. Surely there was some sort of hobby she could take up. She had already learned weaving and skinning but what else was there for her to do? The hybrid yawned as she woke from her slumber as she looked outside her den. Everything was as she left it. The hybrid emitted a soft sigh as she crawled out and into the world. It took her a while before she shifted into her optime form and moved over to her companion. She smiled as Niyol came over to her. She was happy to see that he was doing well. After that, she headed down to the village to bring some extra wood she had and add it to the pile.

Sanuye arrived to the village and went to the stock pile of firewood used to feed the flames of the Great Fire. She noticed there was some more there than she had seen before. She wondered if there was someone else helping gather wood. She lifted the covers and placed her wood under there before placing the covers back over them. The coyote moved back over to the Great Fire. She noticed someone sitting there. From what she could see, it was a male and one of a lighter color with a darker back. She couldn’t see his front side and was curious of his true look. She carefully approached the male, not sure of how he would react to her being there. ”Hello?”

table by james.

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