Seabreeze Brink Territories

Overgrowth Sunrise

The Overgrowth Sunrise area was formerly known as the Annapolis Valley, a long and rolling valley carved by glaciers thousands of years ago. It is surrounded on two sides by ridges of raised land, too small to be called mountains; nevertheless, the "micro-climate" in this valley is mild even for Nova Scotia. Along with the fertile soil provided by the glacier to carve the valley, it was once primarily farmland area, dominated by two large towns and numerous tiny communities. Now, of course, remaining plants grow completely wild, untamed by any hands.

Berwick & Wolfville

Two towns and their surrounding farmland sprawl once made up the majority of this area. Berwick's small town has become mostly overrun by the wild. Orchards, farms, vineyards, and forests envelope the town though they have long since become overgrown. To the east, the slightly larger coastal town of Wolfville still stands. The tiny harbor here is now completely empty twice a day due to the pull of the tides in the Bay of Fundy. Once a popular tourist spot, the town's remaining shops are filled with all sorts of odds and ends, and the suburban homes still stand, though the town has been silent for years.

Flanders Fields

Situated at the southern end of the valley dominating Overgrowth Sunrise, Flanders Fields seems to be no more than a particularly verdant and fertile field. The once well maintained cemetery has long since become overgrown with wildflowers, weeds, and natural tobacco. Still, if one pushes back the flora, they can find worn down gravestones. Named after the famous field in Belgium, Flanders Fields is said to have the most fertile soil in all the lands, a perfect place for growing just about anything that can be imagined.


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