A sweet retreat

A little PP, lemme know if you want it changed <3 SoSuWriMo 325

The man seemed on edge, which either meant that he was just being cautious or that he was hostile and just waiting for an opportunity to pounce on her, which is why Cambria kept her distance until they had exchanged a few words. Not to mention there was just the base instinct that if you were approaching someone that was injured you should be careful so as not to alert their fight response. When the male finally turned to look at her he seemed surprised, and stared at her for a few moments before he found his voice. His staring made her shuffle her feet a little, indicating her discomfort at being studied so, but once he confirmed her suspicion that he had an injury her nerves eased into a more professional facade. The request for help and kind smile were the final cues that she could feel safe in approaching further.

Cambria moved towards the small camp and gingerly set her satchel on the ground, soft clinking noises coming from inside the fabric. "Could you tip your head up a little so I can see better?" Once he complied her sea green eyes studied the wound. It certainly looked painful, and if it wasn't treated an infection would likely start soon. It seemed she had come upon him just in time. "It doesn't look too serious right now, but any longer and you might have had a problem. I'll get you patched up though," she said, offering a small, reassuring smile. The Marino fey knelt down and pulled a clean cloth and a glass bottle of alcohol from her bag. She poured some of the strong-smelling liquid on the cloth and then turned her attention back to the man. "This is going to sting, but I need to clean it more thoroughly." After her warning she carefully dabbed the soaked cloth against the open gash, removing whatever harmful bacteria that might have collected there.

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