finally, catharsis.

The lands were dying. She could see it now: soon, the fire that had slowly begun was
quickly overwhelming them. She did not know how long it would take before the lands were reduced to nothing but ash and memories. She turned, looking over her shoulder for a moment, watching as the flames engulfed her beloved pack, her beloved lands. Perhaps they were not all hers, but these lands had healed her so much that they were no longer just forests or rivers. They were a part of her, and she could never deny everything good that had come from living there. With her friends, her new family, and her past enemies that quickly became friends.

She had healed. Now, it was time to move on. It was for her and Fatin to gather their wits and lead their pack members away from harm. She would move, and hopefully, others would move with her. She could not account for the feelings of everyone in the pack: no, it would be their decision to make if they remained or if they followed. But for their sake – and her own – she hoped they would follow. She hoped they would survive.

She had long since shifted into her Secui form after sending forth the howl for all Jaded Shadows members to follow. There was no time to consult Fatin or speak with Lucifer. If Fatin was upset that she was being rash, so be it. They had to live. She had said to the others to meet her by the edge of the mountain range to the southeast. She had also mentioned that she would wait for anyone leaving immediately to find her at the southeastern part of the territory so they could take the shortest, and most certainly the most dangerous route through the fire and away from the pack lands. Some had found her; some had not. Now, as she gazed across the lands from her chosen spot on the side of the mountain, she was filled with a strange sense of tranquility. Her home was gone, the places she had loved so much had disappeared, but it was time to move on. She could not remain in Jaded Shadows forever, she supposed.

The journey to the side of the mountain had taken time. She had been especially concerned about coming too near to the fire, for it seemed as though her phobia still persisted, if feebly. She had managed to avoid much of the fire before it had truly begun to spread, but had part of her tail catch on fire. It was a burnt, broken mess now, but she had survived. That was what mattered.

Everything considered, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She smiled fondly at no one in particular, lifting her head to the sky and sending forth a howl once more. It was a song of survival and renewal, one she hoped all the wolves (Jaded Shadows members or not) would hear. They would continue around the mountain and hopefully find refuge in a new land.


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