here we stand with their blood on our hands

indent By the time the fire had begun to spread, Gabriel was running. He had abandoned two legs for four and now flew over the dark ground, eyes fever-bright. While he had time, it wasn’t much. This was not planned, but he responded as if this had been laid out for years. Through a low part of the river, to wash away the scent of gasoline, keeping far from the pack borders and never once looking behind at the red-orange glow that was swiftly glowing. Not until he reached Inferni did he come to a skidding stop, body turning to estimate his timeline. By this point, Storm had to be burning. The night sky was glowing and the smell of smoke was all around. Gabriel howled, announcing the danger. Emergency, move, this is not a drill. I repeat; this is not a drill.
indent He bolted to the house, and once inside, resumed two legs. It took him three strides to cover the steps and slam the doors open, speaking loudly but without panic, calm and controlled. Those inside moved out, where several others were. With the same control, Gabriel spoke clearly and both announced the danger (which had, by this point, set the sky alight) and how they were going to leave. He allowed no questions, keeping the militaristic tone—this was how it had to be. There was a path, the same path he had followed here, that would take them south and west, away from the flames.
indent It was not until they crossed the swamp that Rachias fell into a fit of madness. Gabriel saw her bolt and chased her down, though she refused to leave without a fight. Arkham, she kept screaming. The boy wasn’t with them but they had no more time. The fire had spread to the city—far too close for comfort. Somehow he dragged her back, caught up to the group which had been following the directions he had told them, and the remnants of Inferni crossed through the thin cut of the western mountain range that led to safety. Behind them, the place they had once called home still burned.
indent Still, though, Gabriel insisted they had to move. This wasn’t safe, staying so close to the fire or the now-displaced wolves. They traveled for the rest of the night in silence, until reaching a hilly area and finding a large cave. Again, Gabriel held his control, stated they would remain here for the night. Even this far away, the smell of smoke and flame was in the air, brought by the same wind that twisted his hair. Off in the distance, he heard the wolves calling to one another. The doggish hybrid sat on the hill, arms on his knees, and stared at the glow from the fire he had started.
indent The world had moved on.


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