Fresh contact

sswm 594

Food was indeed scarcer in winter, and Conor knew that he was not entirely prepared for the cold season. So much had happened and there was a lot to keep control of, not to forget his general leader responsibilities. No one had given him any form for training for the position he carried, so he had done his best to make the best out of it, wondering what the rest of ‘Souls thought of this child leader. He was settling well into his leadership role, and it would not be long now before he had been the head of Dahlia de Mai for a full year. The thought alone seemed quite strange—where had the time decided to fly by? It felt like yesterday Gideon and his litter siblings were mere children on his and Alexey’s laps, but the latte hued Koios woman had departed from his life and the children had grown up to become fine, full members of the pack. Overall all was well, but some day could become horribly long and drawn out as the young Soul male did his best to get everything done. He hunted, patrolled the borders and did his best to socialize and keep up to date what was happening in the pack lands. Exhausted as always, he kept thinking about the rider and her horse. Perhaps that could have been a solution.

Again, the male was by the borders despite the heavy action he had faced recently. It was fortunate, because a howl suddenly pierced the lovely silence that surrounded him, and it called for the leader. Readjusting the bag falling down on the golden male’s hip, he made his way towards the sound, grateful that he had been at the right place at the right time. Travelling from Wolfville to the borders took time, and he did not like to force guests to wait. He found a most peculiar male seated by the borders. Soft lilac eyes washed over the beautiful mare fastened to a nearby, but he quickly brought his full attention to the Aniwayan. There was no doubt within the Soul male who this optime man was, as rumours of the tribe’s chief had existed for a long while. A slightly baffled smile entered the cinnamon and caramel hued man as he lowered his neck slightly in a small gesture that could be recognized as a bow if one wished. ”Dawali Amara.” the male softly breathed, lavender gaze rising in pursuit of eye contact. The alpha’s milk tipped tail moved elegantly behind him. He was pleased by this unexpected visit from the chief himself.

”It’s an honor to finally meet you,” he added, his genuine smile slowly blooming as he stepped closer to the seated form. The other’s headpiece was impressive, and one of the reasons why he was so easy to recognize. It suited the tribe’s leader well. Conor wondered what else would be unique with this man, but knew that any answers he might have would be satisfied eventually. Noir Aston had been a member of the Aniwaya pack, he knew, and he could barely keep the angry shadow at bay as he thought about Haku’s cruel deed. How could a father kill his own daughter? It made thoughts return to Eclipse and his fears for her future, but he knew that she loved her above anything else on this earth, and the thought of a father taking a child’s life was sourer than anything. Impossible. Haku Soul had truly been mad.

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