[M] - I was prepared to take it all

wc: 5+
SoSuWriMo: 554

At last, she was pleased to note, the stiffness from his form had begun to melt. It brought her a strange levity of pride to think that her sweet charms could be used so efficiently, but China was not of the mindset to tap further into such unwholesome talents. What condescending thought could compare her to a prostitution of the tongue and the sweet young body could just as easily see that she did so as a second nature, without malicious or conniving thought. Love, though translucent, was applicable to every situation.

If she saw the slight stirrings of warmth beneath his gossamer pelt, then the girl gave no sign. Interactions with young males were pleasant, and by no stretch of imagination would she consider herself overly flirtatious. Albeit coy, China emanated the simple country goodness and wholesomeness of a child brought up in a loving family, devoid of the harshness of her extended bloodlines. The Lykoi princess knew herself not to be conversing with a prince, although if she had known his familial ties alone, her actions would not have been much different. Love between family members was a loose and blurred line, where asexual feelings and desire were often confused in naive mind.

He was, after all, very attractive; and his fur looked so plush, so enticing to the touch. Cornflower blue eyes, slanted cattily, were intrigued by the prospects he proposed.

That he allowed her sentiments to pass unpunished served only to encourage the optimistic flowerchild. The game required two players to be fulfilling, and if he continued with such pleasing repertoire, she would fast to his company like the flowers in spring. Blooming in youth, the damsel was quaintly innocent, a fresh bud just waiting to be picked by hungering hands.

"Anathema..." She echoed his gentle tones, cerulean sliding to follow the imaginary line he arched with one hand. The name was unfamiliar to her. However, she cared little for thoughts of pack rivalry and political gain, much preferring to attempt a self-bettering connection with the boy, not a pack-bettering. It was not that she didn't wish to serve Inferni, but her attention span was blissfully short, and unless Anathema proposed to storm the skull-bedecked borders then they were no trouble of hers.

The boy's question seemed genuine enough. Her large ears did not pick up any sounds of discord, although they were not searching. "Inferni. Have you heard of it?" Again the sweet smile, "My blood runs thickest there, and my heart could not stay away." She sighed, resplendent in resignation. Family ties ran deep in even the ficklest of creatures. The scent of their homeland clung to silver-dappled pelt; the fresh scent of pine, the tangible spice of sea salt, a veritable feast for the nose.

His latter statement provoked a slight blush to coil beneath the silky fur of her face, although not before another shiver, more pronounced for having been spotted, raced through willowy frame and lean acrobatic muscles. "Yes," Beneath thick lashes did coy Lapis Lazuli peer, the pupils rounded by single-minded attraction. "You look quite warm." Lilting tones were slightly breathless, as though by willpower alone could she command his fur to leap, warm and lively, about her delicate frame. Hesitant breath spilled into the frigid air, the translucent white curling with phantom grace.

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