Smoke Signals

yay, posted! Smile Just let me know when you want to wrap it up, I don't want to slow the thread down haha (426)

She finally summoned up the courage to look at her brother, almost immediately regreting doing so. He looked just as heartbroken as she felt. She felt selfish for asking him how their sister had died. Claudius was the one who had to break the news to her and he had suffered through it while she was off on one of her adventures. Her light tipped ears flicked backward and her brow furrowed as the reality continued to sink in. Claudius began to speak again and she could tell by his increasingly bad stutter that it was even worse. She had expected that Noir had died accidently, she wasn't quite prepared for the truth.

She wanted to be strong for the both of them and didn't want to break down, but upon hearing that Noir had been murdered she came pretty close. Haku Soul? Where had she heard that name before, it sounded familiar but she wasn't sure. How could this wolf have done such a thing to Noir? She questioned when her brother paused, it was more of a question to herself than to him. If there was ever a time she would have said things couldn't get any worse than this: her sister being murdered and her mother running off and joining some other pack, she would have been wrong.

She had to listen carefully to understand him, but it finally clicked. Our father? she uttered in bewilderment, "He killed her? He killed his own daughter?" she hardly noticed her voice raising. She was speechless for a few moments. Claudius had stopped and she did to, glancing back to her brother and noticing he had his eyes closed. Evadne stopped to, pawing at the ground and wondering what all the commotion was about. Oce found herself thinking of ways she could pay back this wolf who was apparently their father, how she could hurt him the way he had hurt them, hurt Noir. She knew it was wrong to think this way, but she couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry you had to tell me all of this Claudius," she said finally, "I should have been here for you and mother, I should have been here for Noir..." She moved nearer, placing what she hoped was a comforting hand on his shoulder. "This wolf," she couldn't bear to say the name, let alone call him father, "will get what he deserves" She was unaware of the fate of this wolf, but knew that if she ever came across him she would certainly kill him, or try.


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