The one that I tried to write
These two should hook up sometime in the future, lolz. >_>

She was just turning to leave when she heard a voice behind her. Empusa turned around quickly, her hackles raising. Fight! She'd been raised to think for herself, and right now she was thinking that this whelp could be a definite threat. What if he tried to make her leave the lands? She'd fight with him if he wanted. She was a pretty good fighter.

But that didn't seem to be the case. He was speaking to her. She took in the words, not moving her posture....and then he sat down next to her. After a few moments she felt silly standing there, all poofed up. Her hair flattened back down and she looked back at him, clearly confused. He wanted to know why she was there...but he didn't want to fight? At Inferni they all liked to fight.

"I am from Inferni...ze coyotes. I am a princess" She announced. Her father was Vitium Lykoi--she was one of the family. "You vants to fight me?" She offered, scooting a few inches away from him.

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