celebrate the world
Shaw! <333 WC: 514

Sage didn't wander far from home today. She had felt as though Inferni needed her to stay close; for what reason, she was unsure. But still, her body needed to travel. The child of the Earth drifted slowly, comfortably, through the borders, caressing the skull decorations as she passed, tossing a handful of seeds at their base. Someone's got to make it at least a little welcoming! she thought with a warm smile. Perhaps in spring she might be able to see the fruits of her labor. Everytime she'd passed these borders she had left something to brighten the dark, ominous skulls which marked Inferni. Death was on the minds of some, but not Sage.

She was heading to the Dampwoods, one of her favorite areas, if only for it's abundance of flora, fauna, and wonderful sketching spots. The young girl enjoyed the rays of sunlight which melted down through the canopy, brightening small areas and touching them with warmth on this cool afternoon. Few signs of life were left now, with winter nearly in full force, but straw colored eyes moved to catch a pair of birds taking flight above her, darting out into the open sky and away from the covered forest. Sage smiled, appreciating the sense of freedom found in even these animals. Her thoughts went to them, The world is waiting for you! And she continued on.

The sky was painted with gorgeous pinks and oranges now, and the young girl chose a place among the trees where she might be able to see such loveliness. A small clearing near the edge of the forest, large enough to hold a few people comfortably. It seemed as though this area had been modified by resident Luperci already, for there lay several dead logs in perfect formation around a pit which might have once held a fire. The girl glanced around, wondering if she could revive this light.

She stood and patrolled the area, collecting small branches, large chunks of wood, and other dried items for kindling. Within a matter of several minutes, she'd collected what she thought was enough to start a fire. After assembling the wood in the proper order, she removed the lighter and pack of matches from her satchel and lit several of the smaller branches. Quickly the flame took to the pile, and eventually a nice fire was crackling.

Sage turned and sat on one of the logs, pulling her wavy dark hair back into a loose ponytail. She pulled out a joint, lit it, and took several puffs, watching it's smoke combine with that of the fire. She smiled, admiring her work, the ability to create something that seemed so alive out of things that had seemed so dead. The girl pulled her rabbit-fur blanket around her small frame and huddled there in silence, simply enjoying the world and it's simple pleasures.

The high came over her in pleasant waves, enhancing the colors of the sky, of the flames, and she was able to become lost in them.


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