The Lay of the Land
OOC; Sorry, I'm in a mood to RP ;D

The sky was dark, shrouded, covered. It was pitch black, the only light was the faint glow of the stars and the moon. The grey-white sphere hanging lightly amid the lquid black water in the sky held a peculiar luminescent-quality to it. Toklo was in his Lupus form, still learning to switch back and forth, and control the switching. He hadn't a favorite form; they were all the same. The only difference was size. He didn't mind being in Optime. It didn't bother him to be semi-human, as it did most. He hardly kept track of what form he was in. Sometimes he wished he could go back to being a normal wolf...but he knew that would never happen. After he lost his family, his mate, and then finally his pack...He'd gone insane. Or rather, others said he did. He wasn't so sure. If he had thoughts and emotions....wasn't he still in his right mind? Toklo shook his head with his pearly-white daggar-sharp teeth exposed, angry, clearing his head. The stars twinkled on the black canvas overhead as Toklo moved. Toklo had no specific destination, but he knew he had to keep going. Toklo's icy blue eyes closed for a second as he blinked. When they opened, there was no obvious change to the scenery. Toklo let his breathe out in a huff, watching as the air turned into a cloud of mist in front of his nose in the cold. Considering he was a Tundra Wolf - or, that's what he considered himself, he was honestly one-fourth Coyote, but he ignored that - He was hardly touched by the bite of the wind and freezing temperature.

Toklo moved swiftly and silently, unseen as a panther in the night. He moved quickly, at a brisk pace, nearly running. There was no snow layering the cold grass- yet. But, yet, it was still below freezing. The leaves on the ground were hard and crisp, crackling loudly when stepped on. Toklo was cautious to avoid hitting on of them, sure they would allow any animal nearby to hear his approach. That was definitely not what he wanted. The tree branches reached out like arms, grasping for anything and everything they could touch. A few branched lashed at him, but he ignored the short sting, ignorant of pain. It was nothing- if something to hold one back. The gnarled trees scarred the landscape. Toklo liked trees though, they obscured the view of his pursuers - or his victims. But for now, they were a big pain. Toklo growled quietly under his breathe, easily set off. Toklo slowed his pace to a more reasonable gait. He was able to weave inbetween the trees easily after reducing his speed. He didn't want to slow down, but if he had to, he would. He didn't have any particular reason for his journey, but he's been wandering since he'd been banned from his old pack due to an inaccurate accuse of murder.

Toklo lifted his muzzle to the wind to scent it for enemy. His nares picked up no scent of a possible attacker, but just to be safe, his eyes swept the land before him. He didn't see anything, and his keen sight never lied to him, but just to double-check, he pricked his ears and listened as he surveyed the scenery. He dropped his eyes to the ground, looking for any sign of passage; broken leaves, pawprints, fur. Anything to help him. He didn't pick up any sign of other canines coming through this area lately, but he was still on guard. He swivelled his ears so they faced forward, and lifted his head and eyes back to where he was walking, confident that there was probably nothing around him out to harm him. Ever since the murder of his family, he'd been jumpy and over-sensitive. Some wolves called him crazy...or better yet, insane, for his actions, but he was scarred for life, having watched his brothers, parents, and mate be mauled. Toklo lifted his nose to the air nonchalantly. He did it out of habit, checking the area regularly.

Toklo's nose scrunched as he scented a very strong smell of wolves- and a lot of them. It smelled like a whole pack of them. Toklo kept running haughtily. He nearly ran into the small clearing before he saw the wolf. His head was uncovered for a second, unmasked by the light. He withdrew back into the night, his heart racing. He was still silent though, and he didn't think the other wolf saw him, or heard his stealthy approach. He took another hasty step back. Straight onto a pile of dead leaves, crunching them loudly. He winced and closed his eyes, nearly scared out of his skin by the racket he had made made by himself. His plan to slip away was foiled by his little mistake. If she hadn't heard him before, she certainly heard him now. His blue eyes flashed open, a unfirmiliar, mingled look of fear and surprise. Toklo held his breathe in a futile attempt to melt away, as if it had never happened, and continue his getaway. But that wasn't going to happen. He knew that. There wasn't a canine in the world that wouldn't have heard him from the distance away she had been. Toklo's eyes closed again, waiting for the attack. His eyes opened again just as quickly as he had closed them. He nearly snarled at himself outloud. Why would he back down? He wouldn't. Simple as that. Toklo dropped into a deffensive position and backed up to a tree so as she couldn't attack him from behind. Usually he was the one to commence the fighting, but in an unlikely happening such as this, he had skills and tactics to bring the likliness of him winning back into his favor.

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