Like trying to save an ice cube from the cold

Word Count → 526 :: Dude, what an awesome post. :O

Harlowe was still settling into this place. Though one of his first actions had been to claim one of the cave-dens as his own, the boy had yet to truly settle into the space. He had lost some of his possessions in the shuffling moves from Phoenix Valley to Dahlia de Mai. The most terrible of these losses had been leaving Phoenix Valley -- Harlowe did not like to think of all the books he'd left behind in that pack. It quite nearly pained him. Though he had been able to gather more from the ample stores in Halifax -- especially the library, oh how he loved that place -- some of these he had left in Dahlia de Mai. He had not been able to carry them all from there to this place, and now his collection had dwindled yet again.

Upon realizing the path to Halifax had lengthened quite a bit, there was disappointment in Harlowe. One of the best things about living in Dahlia de Mai had been the closeness to the city. Harlowe cared very little for anything else about the pack, but their southernmost border extended almost to the edge of the city. He had been able to travel to the city and back within the span of only a few hours; here, the boy realized, he would have to leave nearly a day and a half to get all the way to Halifax and back. This was irritating, to say the least, but it was more important that he was here with mother, even if she did not seem to care for him as much as she used to. Though Harlowe was many months older than his younger brother, the boy did not account for his mother's leadership role in Anathema, and the fact that she had to care for the entire pack did not seem to occur to Harlowe.

Despite having found his own quarters, the young wolf did not spend much time there. He found it impossible -- Scorpius was always following him around, and staying in one static spot anywhere seemed like a bad idea. Harlowe did not want to make it any easier for his younger brother to figure out where he was. The pale-furred Zepar had taken to spending a fair amount of time above-ground, as this seemed to be the least-likely area for Scorpius to find him. Harlowe had been able to find some respite from the youth's annoyance there, and he had spent most of the day above-ground, deciding it safe to retreat to his cave only when night had completely enveloped Anathema's mountain.

The world was in shadow, and the chocolate-pointed boy moved through it with marked awkwardness, twisting his head this way and that as he walked. Wide olive-shaded eyes peered about, his natural nervousness made far more acute by his recently-acquired stalker. The entrance to the cave loomed before him, and the pale-furred boy entered as quietly as possible, still peering about and seeking any sign of his brother. Sadly, the boy was not perceptive enough to utilize any sense but his eyes, and so he did not smell Scorpius.

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