Word Count: 224

She was intriguing to say the least. He watched her look him over for a few seconds, then give her full name and rank. Itzal gave his usually smirkish smile, and not for the first time wondered if people thought he was cocky when he did it, it really was not that, it was just that it came naturally to him, it was just his natural smile.

He watched her for a second, then listened to her mention her not seeing him around. He smiled at her now, less smirkish and more happy. "Well that isn't really surprising, I am new after all, not that you could have known that. And Alyssum de Fontey? That is a very interesting name, it has a nice ring to it. I do not have any other name then Itzal, and I'm not aware of my rank yet because I am really new. But it is good to make your acquaintance."

He took a step forward slowly, making sure to give her enough room to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable. He looked at her, studying her build and appearance. She sure seemed lean, but in a nice way, and her coat was thicker then most purebred coyotes', even more evidence that she had some wolf in her like him. Maybe he had found one of his first friends.

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