falling u[p]
I am lame tonight. And thoroughly distracted. -Cough.- Short post win. For simplicity, all English spoken in here is actually Welsh.


        Ears were slicked back against her skull as she ran, eyes only seeing what they had to as she ran, feet following more of an autopilot path. Brain threw thoughts and memories at her as fast as she could process them, albeit doing her best to simply concentrate on getting to Zacor. Ana mentally calculated how the hell to get around being trapped by the fire once she found him; whether it was best to backtrack the way she had come from, or find another route. Dying didn't really come to mind as option. Oh, she knew it was a possibility, but she refused it. Not now, not today. Not this week, even. She was too young, and nor would she let such a fate befall Zacor.

The string of Welsh words were incomprehensible as they rolled off her tongue and into the thick air, front paws tripping over one another as she almost slammed into the very wolf she was searching for. The girl yelped as she stopped herself from completely falling, looking up at Zacor in a brief moment of confusion, before that melded to relief. She would hug him, hadn't she been in this ridiculous form. Zacor. You're okay, she breathed, then shook her head. Why aren't you shifted? There's almost no way to get out of here if we leave as Optime. Although she didn't state this out loud. The random thought occurred to her that she had never actually seen Zacor in any other form but Optime. The girl flinched as she heard the branches of trees cracking, not right next to them but close enough. Let's go, lips pulled back slightly as she whined again, ready to move as soon as he was.


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