The Black Parade
OOC; Sounds good! Sorry, my replies may be a bit....delayed. =/ Lately I've been very busy, so this is my apologizing in advance. ;D
P.S. I hope you don't mind, I usually don't keep track of word-count since I do it free-write, without Microsoft Word (I think it makes it more complicated)...but if you want me to I suppose I could figure out a way to do so.
Ahh...And some are annoyed with the cocky way I type. =P It's not...true always, it's just the way he thinks, so don't be offended.

The large, brawny brute loped through the neutral territories submissively. He didn't care. That was his way of life. Get in trouble, start a fight, win the fight, walk away with his head held high, with perhaps a few begrudged battle-wounds to accompany his new success-story. Toklo sauntered aimlessly through the dense woods, occasionally breaking out into the open. But, here, obscured by the trees and bushes, he felt safest. So, that's mainly where he travelled. Unheard and unseen. Swift and silent as a panther in the night, striking where ever and when ever he desired. He did what ever he pleased, breaking the rules, tresspassing. He usually never harmed anyone in their own territory....but sometimes, he got those urges, and wolf has got to do what a wolf has got to do. Toklo smirked haughtily as he galloped through the forest at a brist stride. His gait usually never slowed. He always ran. Once, long ago, when good times were still believed in for him, his beloved mate had asked him, "What are you running ever-so vigorously from, dear?" Toklo merely replied with a warm, pleasant, loving smile "I am not running from anything, but rather, to something. A better life, I suppose." The urge to run, towards his hopes, had intensified after his mate's tragic death. Now, he rarely ceased running.

Toklo hadn't realized it, but he had slowed down and was now walking at a slow gait. A small, warm, wet substance trickled down his muzzle and ran into his mouth. He tasted salt. The hot tear angered him. He wasn't supposed to cry. He was supposed to be strong. Toklo grimaced and lengthened his steps. The large, masculine animal sprinted through the land, shredding the grass in his wake, tearing up the bushes and vines in his way. Hot tears of anger burned in his eyes. His ears rang loudly, giving him a headache. Toklo snarled loudly and shifted mid-stride. He was tired of Lupus form. It was too....vulnerable. In his Secui form, his speed increased dangerously. He dodged the trees flying at him left and right, but he was prone to hit one sooner or later, so he averted his direction and headed out of the trees. The last thing he needed right now was to be slowed down by some stupid, worthless little tree.

Toklo's blue eyes scanned the scenery around him, hardly taking note of what he saw, his self-inflicted chagrin eating at him, driving him. The only thing he watched for was the presence of others. Nothing else held danger to him. The annoyance and antogonism was directed at his own being he supposed, but yet, he carried on being angry, running out of spite for himself. His nares worked over-time, trying to protect him from accidently wandering into another territory. That would be another unwanted problem. That would just add to his anger. He didn't need that right now. He knew he should stop running- or at least slow down. But, of course, he didn't. He couldn't. He worked in vain to pick up another scent of a pack before he wandered into their territory.

Too late. It was done. He smelled them after he had entered the land. If he left, they would track him down. Looks like he would have to fight....

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