Secret Wonderland
sswm:444 spooky.
I tried to go by what was said in your profile. That and I wanted to surprise you, because you said time after time that she is a white that faded to black so I looked at your avatar and was like , it's very pretty and all but.....y'a know. Glad you like me being mean to you Tongue

It was not that the food did not look good, it looked oh so wonderful, and it smelled just as great also. It just he felt bad for taking her food, a female of the pack that he lived in and felt the need to take care of the members with in the lands. However if she was going to push him to eat it almost would be as rude and mean to turn her offer down. He sat there thinking thins over before making his next move, leaning down over the warm food he flared his nostrils as he took in the scent of the warm food. His mouth watered at the how aroma and sight of the food. She had offered him up more than enough for him to have a meal out of and then still be able to have a light snack out of it. Lowering his head down him took to the food showing it no mercy as he stuffed his face like a starving fool that he surely wasn’t.
After he made him-self look like an outright pig in front of her, the male sat back looking down at the crumbs in the plate, everything was so good but really he could not eat any more. Shifting around again the male licked his lips, the food still could be tasted on his tongue, and it was not a bad thing. It just confirmed that he was not a cook. However the silver male never claimed to be anything of that sort. Come to think of it, the male was not able to re-call any one in his blood lines that was able to cook food, now cooking herbs to make a medicine out of it sure his mother could do that in her sleep, but food the silver male didn’t believe any one every did that in his family.
Following the lady’s cue the male followed her as she opened the door to the winter wonderland that awaited them outside. With a nod from his head as if he was leaving he walked out to door and then waited for her to take the lead again, after all she must have a better idea of where they were going then he was. ”M’Lady.” The male bowed down to her as she moved past him. Lowering his head down to the winter weather the silver brute pushed be hide Rendall as she carried the stuff that she knew they would need for this trip. Noah just hoped that he would not disappoint her, he wanted ever so much to please everyone and make sure everyone was happy around him.

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