Only Ruins

OOC: 1058!

Itzal looked at the male more closely. He had some weird coloring in him. Itzal was just a plain black in his lupus and optime, and in secui he only had one white spot on his fur, other then that, he was all black in that to. It always interested him when he saw the diffrent colorings and patterns of another hybrid. Itzal looked at Mar's eyes next. They too were diffrent from Itzal's own. They were a steelish color. Unlike Itzal's own goldish yellow. Itzal's were almost cat like. Which made him laugh. He was so much more dangerous than a cat. Much more dangerous then a cat. But he had to admit, he could see some similarities between his and Mars' structure. They both had those signs of having wolf blood. Which he was happy to have somehting in common with him. He smiled to himself at that little constilation that there were others who were not pure wolf just like he was not pure wolf. He also thought of Alyssum, she was part coyote part wolf like him. But it still helped him to remember he was not alone. It was not an easy world for hybrids out there. But he did not care. He believed what did not kill him made him stronger. And there was a lot of things that had failed to kill him, and he most certaintly was stronger from all of those things. He wondered what in Mars' life had made him stronger...

Mars mentioned being from a new pack called Cercantori D'Arte? Oh yeah. Sky was a part of that pack. So he had heard of it. "Actually surprisingly I have heard of that pack. Sky Katruk is part of it. I've got to go see her at the end of the month for this." He turned his head so Mars could see the piercing he had in his left ear. The hair was still growing back form when he had gotten it. The piercing was white on one side and black on the other, while in the middle, was a silver dot. He loved the piercing, since he had been wanting one since he was little and Sky had done a totally awesome job. He smiled at Mars. He did not know why he was being so nice. Maybe he just sensed that something about the male was just a tiny bit fragile. It felt like he was intimidated by Itzal, which was normal for some, but Itzal was not trying to intimdate him, and normally he could be a pretty likeable guy when he wanted to be. hmm, maybe it was just his imagination.

Itzal smiled as his thought of Mars maybe being able to tailor him some jeans were comfirmed. He had had no idea that there was someone in the area that could make clothes for him. "Oh, you make clothes? That is cool. I'm actually in need of a new pairs of jeans. I have two others pairs then this one but they all have holes in the just like this one. It would be good if I had a pair that I were sure weren't going to turn into shreds at any second. So if you are look for some business, I would be happy to hire you. And pay you back anyway you could think of. Itzal so need a new pair. He would have asked the man to knit one of his old pairs up, but they were just to far gone to have any chance of surving. He sighed. He had those jeans a long long time. Ever since he had left his old pack and stolen them the next week. He had almost been caught. Not being as good in stealth as he is now. He had to think quick to get away with that one. He smiled to himself remembering.

It was sometimes hard for himself to believe others people did not see him as the ruthless killer he was. Ever since he was younge he had been killing from the shadows. He could throw the knife in the pouch at his waist with deadly accuracy. And it had slit many throat in the silence othe the night. He reached down and felt it. It was very valuable to him. But then he snapped out of his thoughts. He could debate this later when he was not talking to someone. And it was interesting when he mentioned being part husky. "OH? That is interesting. I heard that husky are good hard working dogs. Not to say you should be put to work or anything. The cold must not bother you much does it? It does not bother me at all to be honest. I go shirtless like this all the time, even now in the dead of winter. " The cold never really gave him any problems. He was just naturally resistant to the cold.

Itzal smirked when Mars asked him if he had any special skills. He had a few things he could do, a few things he was talented at, very talented at. But their are also things he sucked at. The ones he is good at though, are very useful. "Hmm I have a few things I can do. I am good at giving tattoos. I'm stealthy, very stealthy. Naturaly sneaky I guess you could say. I'm a good fighter and hunter. And I am very very good at killing. Itzal smiled when he said the last one, it was a real smile, but Itzal just did not feel it. Some part of him was a natural born killer. That part is a monster. But he did not hesitate to kill anymore. He use to, but he learned quickly that it was unwise to hesitate and that it could get him killed. Now he only Hesitated if it was someone he cared about, and there are very few people Itzal cares about. Those he did care about, he would die protecting. The funny thing is, he would not ask them to die for him, no matter what. He was good at killing yes, but he did not like it. At least part of him did not, part of him starved for it. That part would never be allowed to have its way. At least, never again.

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