the only down time is in death
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OOC: OMG this is so cool :3 Bobbi and Kesho = <3 ^^

Revan watched carefully as the older male's posture suddenly tensed up, hoping he hadn't offended the male again. It appeared he was right as Kesho suddenly growled at him, pointing out the obvious though not quite so for the younger jackal hybrid. "Yes of course, I apologize Hastati, it's just instinct to act this way as a form of respect. How should I show respect without groveling like a pathetic dog?" What was this groveling like a pathetic dog? His father had never told him about any of the dogs in the pack groveling, nor if any of them had acted pathetic, but he guessed it was something that was frowned upon. He did not want to displease the proud coyote before him, so he was eager to know how he could show respect without making himself look pathetic or groveling in his superiors' eyes.

Kesho did seem to lighten up in reaction to his eagerness to learn, which brightened the young one up considerably. Gone were his thoughts that the coyote was going to send him on his way or turn his back on him, particularly when the Hastati stood and ordered him to follow. He did so without hesitation, only taking a few seconds to catch up to the Hastati in his excitement and stopping only to watch carefully and listen to the veteran. He's teaching me how to sneak! Oh the excitement now coursed through Revan and he was unable to control his tail even as he lowered himself to the ground, following the directions he was being given very carefully.

Revan watched the Hastati very carefully, taking in each word as if his own father was teaching him how to survive on his own, eyes widened in his excitement. The entire time Kesho was performing his demonstration, Revan copied him the best he could, though he stayed in his spot, staying low to the ground like Kesho had done, kneading the ground with his paws like Kesho had done, and when Kesho had finished and told him to try, Revan smiled widely, tail smacking his sides again.

Carefully he kept himself low to the ground, watching each step carefully though he didn't realize the mistake he was making by keeping his entire attention focused on his paws. Each step was calculated carefully, Kesho's words repeating in his mind like a tape player stuck on repeat. He made sure to knead the ground before each step, made sure to keep his movements slow, making sure to try and remember each and every thing Kesho had done so he wouldn't screw up in front of the Hastati. His tail still smacked against his sides but that he couldn't help nor notice as he was too busy focusing on his paws and repeating over and over to himself, "Move with the earth, not against it...with the earth, not against it.." Suddenly he bumped into Kesho and backed up a bit, grinning sheepishly at Kesho. "Sorry Hastati, how was that?"


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