Cat And Mouse

OOC: I actually say that Orin is lucky that Bart is here and not Mars. Mars is weird when it comes to comforting people. (aka He doesn't know how to comfort people), also hope you don't mind a hug from bart (meaning there is a small amount of pp) and yuh, this thread is cute Big Grin

We made plans to grow old,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.

Bartholomew watched Orin watch Axel outside of the window. The woman seemed to not really hear him when he spoke about not being this "Mars" person that he knew, but he denied that he knew often. He would be straight forward with Mars' friends and let them know that he was Bartholomew, not Mars. Couldn't they see that he was not Mars, and he was Bartholomew? Bart did try his hardest to look and speak different than Mars. Bartholomew waited for the woman to finally get it, to realize that he was not Mars, and was Bartholomew, a completely different being. Her first question when she turned back to him, looking at him, looking into his soul or something. Bartholomew had more substance behind his eyes, on his face than Mars. Bart was more happy, more outgoing, more animated. Mars was duller, sadder, more emotionless. She asked him if he was feeling alright. Bartholomew nodded his head. Yeah, I feel fine. T'day has been treating meh pretty good. the man spoke to her, nodding his head still. He would then notice how close the two were to each other, pretty much in each other's bubbles, like they were close like that.

She looked back at the sheep, away from him, before her golden gaze would return to Bartholomew, fire there. Bartholomew was rather uncomfortable with her looking at him like that, but he did not move, rather he did flinch. Another difference in the two would be the reaction to anger. Mars had no reaction, Bartholomew knew when trouble was a brewin' and he was sensitive to it. Orin finally asked Bartholomew what he meant that he was Bartholomew and not Mars. Bart couldn't help but tilt his head. Meh name is't Mars. Meh name is Bartholomew..Simple as th't. the man spoke, his tone as calm as he could make it without sounding too much like Mars when he spoke. He also had a kinder tone than the icy Mars did. She poked him in the chest, rather hard too, and he looked down at her finger that was touching his circle tattoo on his chest. She poked right in the middle of the circle. Bartholomew let those steel eyes of his fall back on the woman, tracing up her arm and going to her face shortly after he glanced to her shoulder, chest and the neck and then face. Bartholomew cocked his head when the woman would start to look even more and more angry. Bartholomew was confused, not knowing what to do at first. She then burst out with calling him a jerk, and then saying some other stuff about how she misjudged Mars and that she didn't care if he made fun of her. Bartholomew let his jaw drop slightly. First off, I have no clue what you are talking about. the man spoke at first before he had taken the woman's hand that was swinging away from him, her trying to put distance between the two. Bartholomew wouldn't let that happen. He grabbed her and strongly pulled her back. He twisted them to where they would be hugging, Orin against his chest, and him giving a big hug to her. It would be different feeling than the other hug she had received from Mars, but he hoped to dear god that this sill somewhat calm her.

I have no reason to make fun of you, M'lady. Bartholomew spoke, realizing then that he did not know this broad's name. Mars had yet to tell him anything. I'm not who ya' think I am. I'm not Mars. I'm Bartholomew. Believe me. If I was Mars, then I'd probably know what ya' were talking about. Or maybe not, I dunno. All I know is tha' I have nah clue what ya' are talkin' about. the man spoke, letting his head tilt down a little bit to look at the ivory woman. He noticed something under his fingers though when he had touched her, not only just her matted fur, but little clusters of blood. Bartholomew cocked his head slightly. What happened ta' ya'? Yer're hurt... the man asked, voice kind, unlike Mars' ever really was. Bartholomew pulled back from the woman for a moment and looked at the scratches on her. Ya' should clean these up. Don't want them to get infected. the man proposed the idea to the woman.

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mall fonts; text-align:right;">present personality: Bartholomew Cubbins
SSWM Word Count: 733

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