Children Seeker

608 WOO!

Itzal had wandered out to this forest, and he found that he liked it. It was really not a surprise, he had a natural like of trees and wooded places. He did not know why he loved them so much. But he did know he was always at peace when there were trees around him. It was not strange to him. It was normal. These trees were natural beauty, it showed that even when their were places of evil and uglyiness, there are also those of beauty. He smiled to himself from his perch among the trees.

He had come out early, and found a nice little path, it looked like it was walked upon, if not regulary, enough so it stood out. He was perched in a tree above it. It was funny how few time peoples look up. Being on two legs had given him the means to climb the tree easily. and he was not to high that jumping down would be a problem. He had just been dosing off, the wind blowing through the tangle of branches, it made him smile. He would have to make this a regular spot for him to visit. He liked it here.

Just as he was finally starting to feel himself lowering his mind into that clear pool of sleep, where things became muffled, and thoughts were clear but forgotten when you left. But before he could settle himself into the pool, he was pulled out by the noise of someone approaching. He shifted and listened, not sure if he had truly heard it. But yes, there it was, the growing sound of feet approaching. He watched as he slowly saw a figure come. He waited until the wolf was close enough and inhaled. It was a male, though that had been obvious when he had gotten close enough for Itzal to make out his build. He sighed, and then smiled. He might as well try to make a friend. Before he got lazy and never got down from this tree.

"Hi. He spoke, wondering if the male would jump from the random voice. He would probably laugh if he did. But in good humor, not to be a jerk. Though he could defintly do that to if he felt like it. However, he was feeling light hearted right now and was not feeling mean. He looked over the male. He did not smell like he was from Inferni, which was not surprising. He rarely saw anyone from his pack out here. He was the only one that really liked to travel, or at least, the only one that he knew of. No, this one smelled of a diffrent pack. A pack he was not familar with. Hmm, maybe he would find out about a new pack today. New to him anyways. He closed his eyes and waited for the stranger to respond, and he let his head fall back against the tree trunk. I should really find a place to live in the pack territory. He knew it was a problem he had to deal with eventually, but there was just something about sealing it. Making his recongnition about being in the pack officially scary to him. His first pack had been his family, they were killed. His next, he stayed with for a week and was abused and beaten, and then, nothing. Just him. All the packs he had been with were either wrong or taken from him. This one he was in now seemed good, and nice. But they could still be taken from him, or kick him out, or..... He just was not ready.

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