Children Seeker

OOC 764!

Itzal nodded at Niro as he gave the ok for Itzal to walk with him, and mentioned his mating being worried if he took to long. Itzal thought about what it must be like to have a mate to be worried. Itzal could not imagine, seeing as how no one had ever been worried about him. His mother had been, but she was dead now, and she could no longer worry about him. His father was dead as well. The one pack he had been in was his uncle's, though Itzal did not consider his uncle family. The only time that pack had ever been worried about him was when his wounds looked like they were to close to healing, then they got worried and beat him again, so they could teach him to submit, teach him not to question their ways. There was one other time someone close to him had worried about him, but it had been worry of him leaving, of losing him, not of where he was or what might have happened to him. His throat clenched at the thought of her, and he felt like he was going to be sick. He was not sick though, and he was sure Niro did not notice it at all. He was good at hiding what he felt, especially his pain. So the thought of having someone worried about him in that aspect was not one he was use to, it made him kind of sad, that he had no one. But that was the way he had lived, the way he had lived to survive. Knowing that if anything ever did happen to you, no one would care, or notice was just a price you had to pay. But maybe that could change now that he was in a pack. Or maybe it would never change, either way, he could not do anything about it just by wondering.

Itzal looked at the bird closely as Niro explained that he did not really see it as his pet but his companion. Itzal again nodded his head, this time in slight understanding. "It must be nice, knowing that you have someone you can trust and rely on just as much as they trust and rely on you. And I'm not really familar with all the species, so the golden eagle part means nothing to me, sorry. And I must say that is an interesting name, Marahute." Itzal watched as the eagle flew away. He figured it had probably done that countless times, and would return to Niro when it was ready. He imagined what it must see, up there in the air, and smiled, it probably enjoyed the view. Itzal looked back at Niro "I must say, they have a sort of beauty about them. The way they fly through the sky, and their feathers are amazing." He was being honest with what he said. He saw beauty in a lot of things, and he looked for it, because if he did not, all he was the bad and the flaws.

Itzal listened as Niro tried to remember as best he could the name of Itzal's packmate that he had meant. Itzal thought through the names of the members he knew, but could not think of any that matched the one Niro described. "Hmm nope, does not ring a bell, but like I said, I'm new and do not know everyone yet." Itzal was still curious as to who it was, but Niro could not know more then Itzal himself did as to who it would be. So Itzal shrugged it off for the time being and followed Niro as he started walking again. Itzal kept close to the trees, since that is where the shadows were thickest and he enjoyed being in the shadows. It was something he did naturally, sticking to the most shaded areas. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he savored the smell of the air. He opened his eyes and yawned some "So you do anything special? Like have any skills or anything?" Itzal figured he should make light conversation to pass the time, since he had offered to accompany Niro in the first place so he had someone to talk to. Itzal had no problem with the silence, and more often then not, he liked to think more then talk. But right now he was feeling talkative, and did not want to seem rude by just tagging along with Niro and being silent. It might make Niro uncomfortable, and Itzal did not want to do that.

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