You make me feel like I am home again

SLAM! -Careens in and bangs into a tree!- Helena, you cannot be as late as I! I WIN ON BEING LATE! -Snigger snort.- WC: 457. The other one makes up for it though, fo'sho. ^__^; Love meee. <3

___Anka knew she should be getting up now. Conri had called, and the others would be there already. Still, her head rested on the ground, and she was so comfortable... She yawned and growled softly, then dragged herself off the ground in a usual waking-up gesture, mumbling irritably, "Damn you, Conri. Gods forbid I sleep." She wasn't really annoyed, just sleepy. This was among some of the only decent sleep she'd gotten since she was a pup, especially since returning to Bleeding Souls, and she wanted to savour it. Still, she shook her head to rouse herself, and silently thanked herself for, once again, staying in Optime form, fully clothed. She lifted herself of the ground and grabbed her bag, rushing towards the place she'd heard Conri call from. Nearly skidding into a tree as she stopped her previous running movement at the sight of the others, she gasped softly and glanced around. More new faces?

___This was bound to be important.

___First, she greeted those she knew. "Conri, you woke me," she grumbled, but she was smiling, and she hoped he would know that she was taunting him. "Naniko, I've got your herbs, whenever you'd like them." A smile and a nod to her, as well. She was a sweet girl, and she and Conri were perfect together. She gave Deuce and Lucifer both a smile and a friendly nod. Deuce was brave, raising her children and her grandchildren as well. She respected the femme greatly. Her final greeting was towards Nocht, a stunning female indeed, and smiled to her warmly, bowing her head quietly. "Hullo, Nocht," she spoke softly. "Where's the fabulous bow?" She had liked Nocht's tool very much, and hoped to someday ask her to teach Anka how to use it. Bow and arrow, a very intriguing choice of tool. Subtle, yet strong. Anka carried a blade. Not so subtle. Effective. But not subtle.

___Her attention turned to the newcomers. A male and a female. "Oi there, who've we here?" Her voice was curious, inquiring, but not unkind. "I'm Anka. I like to sleep, and the world likes to wake me." She smiled, eyes darting towards Conri. He was a nice lad. A fine friend he would make, perhaps, but despite her actions, she meant nothing more than friends. She hoped Naniko would not misinterpret her actions. She wouldn't want to interfere. "And we're in such a large group... I've not been to a party in many moons." Her eyes were shining with a child like glee that they had lacked most of her life. It felt good. Like she was breaking away.

___"So what's all the hot fuss today, then? Expecting more hellfire? Or are the skies clear and flame-free for now?"


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