I'm walking on sunshine!!!
OOC: Welcome back lol Just in time for the weekend :3

Kami listened intently as his blue eyed pack mate explained the cloak that had concealed her so well. The idea of using a preys fur for camouflage seemed both ingenious and yet so foreign to him. His old pack had kept to more traditional means of hunting and he followed those traditions even in exile. This female though, and perhaps the whole pack seemed to have different ideals. As accomplished as Kami had considered himself he knew he had alot to learn from the pack. She did seem friendly enough, even though the moment did seem a bit awkward as he could almost feel her eyes studying him. He had no room to judge, having been doing the exact same thing.

The awkward feeling was interrupted as his right ear perked straight up, hearing the soft and low rumble emanating from Rendall's stomach. " Lunch? " he said out loud, a bit confused. The question more towards himself then the female before him. He tried to think about the last time he had actually eaten a meal with someone. Distant memories of his mother and siblings surged forward, but he quickly brushed them aside. This was not a time for remembering the past, but creating a new future. Something he knew could not happen if he just ignored his new companions and patrolled the borders as a lone wolf.

He couldn't help but feel conflicted about the invitation though. Part of him still warned caution, but the other part was curious and almost excited about the prospect. His tail flicking a few times side to side without him even thinking about it. This being the only actual sign of emotion he had shown since they had begun talking with her. " Actually, lunch sounds pretty good right now." the tone of his voice almost sounding casual now. Looking over his shoulder towards the beach as he inhaled the scent of the somewhat distant sea one more time before turning back to Rendall. He definitely would come back to this place one day when he got the chance. Slowly he looked around the woods surrounding them as if he was looking for something " Your den is around here somewhere?" he knew his conversation skills were lacking, but already he felt as though he had come a long way. Silently he waited to see if Rendall would show him the way.

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