megaphone screaming my name

ooc: herp derp it's 7:30 AM and this post sucks. :U

It seemed that Xion's suspicions were confirmed; this had to be the mother of the children she had known when she was younger. They had been a little bit older than she and her brothers and she hadn't known all of them that well, but it was still good to finally meet one of their relatives. And Naniko had met Xeris as well. Xion smiled. "Xeris is my mother. I think I know your children. I spent time with them when I was younger." Cuts were made on both wolfess' hands, and Xion felt a wet sensation as her blood came into contact with Naniko's. And that was it.

At the word "welcome," Xion instantly felt a thrill inside of her. This was it, her new life. She was a part of something now. And she would, as Naniko said, "make something of herself." "Thank you," Xion replied, bowing her head respectfully. The older wolfess made a motion for her to follow, and she nodded and did so, anxious to see what she might find in her new home.

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