M- My Heart Is An Easy Thing For You To Hit.

+417 - Wild Teo has appeared!
Modified to fit the area. Totally didn't remember that they were in Florida.

Matteo wasn't one to wander away from his brother for very long. They'd been on their own now for a while, their ship having hit shore just a few miles back. This made it very clear that the Trovato twins would have to work for every bit of life they got. Of course, that didn't stop the older of the two from making Teo do all the work at times. As such, the kid quickly learned yet another skill to stand beside fishing and scouting; hunting.

It was one of these very trips out to get food that led Teo to find a pair of rather spacey canines, one resembling a panda bear, the other a classic brown dog. It took him a moment to register, but the scent of marijuana was strong in the air, signalling that the two were very likely high as kites.

He supposed neither would notice him so far away, hidden amongst the greenery of the area thanks to dark clothes he wore. Dark cargo jeans, black denim, and a thin hoodie to hide his torso, his fur being a blinding white contrast to the dark greens and browns around him. In his Optime form, he was now crouching low amongst the brush, nervously debating wether or not to leave.

Then, the most curious thing. They started joking around! Something about arms, chests and heads exploding. Dropping his guard like the inexperienced kid he was, he made a face that screamed confusion, lifting from his spot just a bit to get a better look. What in the world had possessed them to act like demented pups was beyond him at that point, boy not really grasping the effect that their pretty green drugs induced upon them. He'd heard of the stuff, though barely, and many times had smelled it in his old neighborhood, but never before had he looked into what it was, what it did, and why his parents never dared let him touch the topic with a ten foot pole.

Now, with those thoughts and their behavior drilled into his head, the shy boy felt obligated to learn. Glancing around cautiously, as if expecting Giuseppe to suddenly appear out of no-where, boy shuddered a few silents breaths. Then, just as timidly, he crept away from his spot, unsure if they'd noticed him yet or not. Either way, it was time to be social. The question now was, would he even manage to say hello before he ran away again?

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