M- My Heart Is An Easy Thing For You To Hit.

OOC: That wild teo betta' watch out, Panda is a pokemon MASTA'!

Panda and Venom were known to have their stupid little games with each other, always trying to bother the other until there was some sort of physical altercation that would end up with both of them out of breath and one sitting on top of the other, and whoever was on top would be the one who would be victorious and would tell the other "you give up?" and once the other would submit, the victor would let the loser get up, and they would continue along like nothing ever happened. Today, it was uncertain of what would happen with the two, only because Panda had been quick to blow up the Trombetta's head and end the battle. It was all on the man if he wanted to tackle the woman in the middle of this meadow that they were busy walking through. The man gave the brown-eyed woman a stare that was hard, but not serious in the slightest. Mock seriousness it was. Panda had responded with a simple, wide chesire cat-like grin spread across her snow colored maw. She said no words, just let the look of victory at her own game just sit there on her face. You could say that Panda was a little cocky, but she actually only acted this way to be funny, because what else was more charming than a woman with a funny sense of humor? Nothing to her. She wagged her half-tail at her friend as she had danced ahead of his step. She wiggled her butt for him, and she gave him a smirk and a wink before she had giggled and bounced ahead of him. The whole time, the wind held her small giggles, and coos. There was a permanent smile on the woman's face, for just the presence of the brown wolf was enough to make her happy. Panda's brown eyes would leave her friends' and she'd look to the front, where they were going to be wandering, and she saw the most curious thing. Well...Not too curious, but enough to make the woman stop in her tracks to let Venom catch up. He would come to her right when she had stopped, and he took a few steps in front of the woman.

The panda bear-mimicking wolf had held her ground where she was, those few paces behind her manfriend. He was her protector apparently, since he was doing this little act of where he would be standing slightly in front of her as if to guard her from the being whom had shown himself. Hey, you! the woman called to the being that stood there for a moment before moving from the scrub. Are ya' from 'round here? the woman spoke from behind her protector. The name's Panda, and this is Venom, Who're you? the woman asked. Venom gave the woman a glance back and a slight frown on his face before he crossed his arms and he stood there, tail flicking lightly back and forth. Panda, on the other hand had been wagging her half-tail and she held a small smile on her face.

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