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Total Points: 5
    [*]Nov 30 2011 - Serry
    "More the compulsive urge to serry the other to him grew."[*]Jan 1 2012 - Novation
    "Patience is a virtue; an intriguing novation, for the male had never once executed any form of patience."[*]Jan 2 2012 - Truss
    "olding it up with one so that he could truss it with the other, he quickly fastened the mess into a high ponytail.[*]May 9 2012 - Cicatrix
    " it surprised him that the bird hadn't left him with an cicatrix yet.."[*]May 16 2012 - Spruik
    "jumping straight to the point rather then going into some spruik"[*]May 19 2012 - Phatic
    "aiming to create a phatic atmosphere by curbing his typical offensive manner of speech"[*]June 29 2012 - Agemate
    "although the lack of an agemate or friend within the pack left her little else to do "[*]June 30 2012 - Pilikia
    "a unneeded pilikia bringer whom continuously injured herself, dropped things, knocked them over...."[*]July 16 2012 - Requisition
    " a low growl accompanied his requisition, from both himself and the male beside him. "[*]July 17 2012 - Deflagrate
    "she wished she could scribble them onto paper and deflagrate"[*]July 19 2012 - Nary
    "even if nary of his enjoyment showed upon his face."

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