
She was alone for only a moment before she scented the steps of some stranger. Her guard raised, concerned for who it might be; she rarely held good thoughts when it came to outsiders. Dahlia de Mai had ruined that for her, and the wolves who lived there made it all the worse. Filthy, foul, polluting wolves. They had even reached her blood, her proud Lykoi lineage. She knew not where her wolf blood hailed from, but she knew it was her father's fault that she bore it.

She remained still near the brook, quiet as she listened for noises that would herald the presence of an outsider. Her eyes found him first, crimson gaze settling on the distinctly wolfen body that sat on the other side of the brook. Her eyes darkened.

"So, might I ask who you are, lovely?"

The words brought back a memory of years past, of Andrezej murmuring his seductively foul words into her ears. Couldn't get enough of dear uncle Andre. It gave her the urge to gag, but she kept it back. No weakness could be spared in the sight of a stranger. Certainly not a wolf stranger.

A casual toss of her hair came first, hands going to her hips as irritation settled in. "No. No, you may not as who I am," she murmured, voice laced with her always present sultry overtone. It was her land she stood on, and she wanted her answers first, expecting him to tell her who he was. She brought the bottle of amber liquid to her lips, watching warily. "Who are you, stranger. Since you're so keen on questions." Wolves gained little mercy from the de le Poer princess, in word and in sight. With precedent prevailing, she was sure they were all filth. All horrid abominations on the face of the world. This male was no different.


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